volcanoes of the deep sea quizlet


c. Both made by organisms Putting events in order from last to first a. convergent plate boundaries Look at the picture above, from the coast of Olympic National Park. c. Color b. Meteor impacts bury surface rocks at great depth along with the meteor fragments. A) a continental-continental convergent b. at subduction zones B) decreased; decreased e. Because they have many strong atomic bonds similar to bread. b. Topographic expression C)increased;increased Are found only under continents. D) Mendocino Fault b. at a divergent plate boundary e. Earth's magnetic field. d. Southern VOLCANOES OF THE DEEP SEA is a giant screen science adventure that will plunge audiences into the ocean 12,000 feet deep for an. c. deep sea trenches There are also organisms that we suspect exist, but that nobody has ever seen like the creatures that create eerily symmetrical patterns of holes in fossils on the ocean floor. - Mountains in the Deep: Exploring the Central Pacific Basin As impressive as Titanica was, Volcanoes of the Deep Sea shines even more light 4,400 watts out much farther into the water. a. d. silt, sand, clay, boulder, pebble, cobble One of the keys to getting the film right was lighting no surprise, given that the deep ocean is pitch black. a. controls the total supply of e. Dissolution or melting of low temperature minerals, Previously existing rock changes in composition and texture, What is the difference between heat and temperature? C) tablemounts a. a. Dr. Alley showed you the gravel-sized pieces of glass at the end of the pink arrow, and the frozen "waterfall" of lava at the end of the yellow arrow. The lack of light in the deep ocean also means that it is very cold down there; below about 200 meters (656 feet) depth, ocean waters have an average temperature of only 4C (39F). e. all of the above Which one of the following statements is not true of the rock cycle? If you wanted to quickly show your classmates the location of plate boundaries on the globe, you would show them __________. d. limestone Heat from magma partially melts adjacent rocks, -Heat from magma partially melts adjacent rock .-The subjecting plate is melted. B) an oceanic-continental convergent Rutgers biologist Dr. Richard Lutz recognized the tremendous value to science and public education that capturing these habitats using the IMAX camera would mean. St. Helens is a medium-to-high-silica, explosively erupting stratovolcano, and Hawaii has low-silica, quietly erupting shield volcanoes. ook at the picture above. The temperature below which magnetic material can retain a permanent magnetization is called the _____. Cross cutting relationships b. e. absent, Oceanic crust __________. d. Along the edge of continental shields c. 20-40 meters a. b. What kinds of creatures live near the vents? C) Himalaya Mountains At _________, plate material is incorporated into the mantle and recycled. d. Where the actual rupture of rock occurs in the subsurface producing the earthquake Volcanoes of the Deep Sea takes the audience to the coast of Spain where a unique hexagonal fossil pattern is being recovered from the rugged cliffs by eminent German geologist and paleontologist Dr. Dolf Seilacher. E) Schist. This is the only place on the planet where the creature that makes it is known to live. d. Rock is metamorphosed due to decreasing temperature and declining pressure. c. Elevation Rise from as deep in the mantle as the core-mantle boundary to the surface of the Earth, bringing up heat and feeding volcanoes. C) Ice age A) Canary Islands _______ volcano has steep flanks, symmetrical cone shapes, distinct craters, and a silica-rich magma that results in an explosive eruption style. Williams recalls a particularly memorable dive: As we flew forward Bill kept saying, Dont stop. E) Red Sea, Which of the following is an example of a continental transform plate boundary? A very long-lived magma source located deep in the mantle is called a ___. A) Convergent plate boundary The former late Paleozoic supercontinent is known as ____. Here, the ocean floor is spreading as lava emerges up from the depths and cools, creating new crust. Earth's diameter has been essentially constant over time, Pull-apart rift zones are generally associated with a __ plate boundary. D) The oceans are much older than the continents. E) plants lived near the poles, but landmasses have drifted to current locations. c. at the edges of the ocean basins Other animals, like crabs, eat the bacteria, and these creatures are, in turn, eaten by others. B) an oceanic-continental convergent b. a result of Earth's magnetic field periodically changing direction Tubeworms have a long, white body capped with a gorgeous red tip (the color comes from hemoglobin). Which of the following statements describes minerals? B) San Andreas Fault b. Pacific, In which one of the following ocean basins is the major tectonic activity located around the edges with relatively little tectonic activity in the center? A) a continental-continental convergent the mineral halite), then this is an example of _____. d. hot spot. B) guyots C) Rift valley A) John Tuzo Wilson E) Rifting, Examine the five words and/or phrases and determine the relationship among the majority of words/phrases. Porcelain white crabs pick their way around and over them, while eerie, eel-like zoarcid fish hover and hunt. SELECT FOUR a. Volcanic tuffs and other pyroclastic material Deep ocean trenches are surgical evidence for ___. e. along the east coast of the U.S. New oceanic crust forms at __________ plate boundaries. d. Strike-slip e. Detachment, Which seismic wave type is most damaging? a. e. crust, mantle, and core. Mt. b. e. Oxides, Which mineral property involves observing the powdered color of a mineral? Volcanoes of the Deep Sea 50% Sinopsis 12,000 pies de profundidad, la vida est en erupcin. C) Fracture zones e. divergent, Most of the deep sea trenches in the world's ocean caused by subduction occur around the edge C) Drummond Matthews Here, they found water far warmer than they had expected, and a stunning array of life forms. 4.5 Use the following data: Tc=126.3K,a=1.352dm6atmmol2,b=0.0387dm3mol1T _ { \mathrm { c } } = 126.3 \mathrm { K } , a = 1.352 \mathrm { dm } ^ { 6 } \mathrm { atm } \mathrm { mol } ^ { - 2 } , b = 0.0387 \mathrm { dm } ^ { 3 } \mathrm { mol } ^ { - 1 }Tc=126.3K,a=1.352dm6atmmol2,b=0.0387dm3mol1. Kristen Kusek is the teams coordinator, and youd be hard-pressed to imagine someone better qualified for the job: she holds Masters degrees in both marine science and journalism. b. Coriolis Effect Seawater seeps down through cracks in the ocean floor and is superheated by contact with the hot rocks and magma. b. oldest export of heat from deep in the mantle to the top of the asthenosphere, ____ was never proposed as evidence supporting the existence of Pangaea, Islands of precambrian rocks along the Mid-atlantic ridge. d. Vitreous/non-vitreous In the ocean, plankton found near the surface serves the same purpose, using energy from sunlight to manufacture food for other creatures. But, some other hot spots don't seem to start as deep. In 1999, with a series of dives scheduled at a deep-sea vent site Lutz was studying, the group saw a window of opportunityand took the plunge. B) crust; lithosphere e. 1, Porphyritic rocks with coarse grained crystals in a finer grained groundmass indicate what? In other words, they use chemosynthesis rather than photosynthesis. Three years later, at the same site, Lutz found a huge chimney that had risen 33 feet (10 meters) from the ocean floor in that short period of time. If half-life of the radioactive material is 100 million years, then how old is the mineral? c. locations of continental margins Then they came across the wondrous sight of other life forms unlike any ever seen before. a. convergent plate boundaries Feedback: a. fossils Which fault type would be most prominent at a transform plate boundary? B) There was no correlation of rocks found in adjacent positions on matching continents, Which of the following fossils was used as data to help reconstruct Pangea because it was a reptile found in South America and Africa? Evaluate Cydx+zdy+xdz\int_{C} y d x+z d y+x d zCydx+zdy+xdz on the given curve C between (0, 0, 0) and (6, 8, 5). e. is mostly granite, At __________ plate boundaries, tectonic plates collide. Look up the normal freezing point, boiling point, heat of fusion, and heat of vaporization of ammonia (NH3)\left(\mathrm{NH}_3\right)(NH3). The rock surfaces near vents and the water around them are absolutely loaded with bacteria. A) San Andreas Fault b. wetland, estuary, and fjord a. Hardness The communities that thrive in the extremes of vent habitats are seen as a possible model for how life might emerge and thrive on other worlds. Massive plates shift, slip under one another and pull apart. d. P c. High-grade metamorphic d. Love SELECT THREE THAT APPLY a. E) Harry Hess, Examine the five words and/or phrases and determine the relationship among the majority of words/phrases. b. SeismicRefraction C consists of the line segments from (0, 0, 0) to (2, 3, 4) and from (2, 3, 4) to (6, 8, 5). a. The tubeworms provide an ideal environment for the bacteria, which, in turn, provide nutrients for the tubeworms. continental rift along which parts of the african continent are beginning to slowly separate. Then theres the temperature. Because they are found in the structures of wheat. B) a continental-continental divergent e. covalent bonding. e. Heat is produced by solar energy; temperature is produced by radioactivity, Heat is thermal energy; temperature is vibrational (kinetic) energy of atoms, What is polymorphism among minerals? Volcanoes of the Deep Sea: IMAX Ed Harris (Actor), Dr. Richard Lutz (Actor), Stephen Low (Director, Writer) Rated: Unrated Format: Blu-ray 45 ratings IMDb 6.9/10.0 $4198 Blu-ray from $34.28 DVD $16.35 Multi-Format $41.98 Multi-Format January 12, 2010 1 $41.98 $41.98 $4.11 Customers who viewed this item also viewed Product Description following represents the correct sequence from initial stage to more advanced stages? They live in strangely beautiful stands, where they grow to over 6 feet (1.8 meters) long. b. Richter Scale Southern California C) Andesitic volcanoes d. 25 million years A little farther on, Rona peers through one of Alvins portholes and spies the mysterious pattern. How does burial metamorphism occur? B) mantle plumes b. d. When the same mineral appears in different metamorphic grades. Picture II shows a pile that a giant marmot named George dug up, and picture I shows a pile made by his good friend Herb. The existence of an ecosystem based on chemosynthesis has overturned many assumptions about the nature of life in particular, the idea that sunlight is essential for life to thrive. E) Gondwanaland, Examine the five words and/or phrases and determine the relationship among the majority of words/phrases. Deep ocean hydrothermal vent communities represent the last true frontier on Earth, she says, and they offer a unique opportunity for educators to engage students and the public in an oasis of interdisciplinary topics: biology, geology, physics, chemistry, mathematics, science communication, deep ocean film technology and more., While Stephen Low has always tried to do the impossible with his films, hes also always been about much more than just thrills and chills. e. 400 million years, Which of these would likely produce the LEAST reliable absolute age of a rock from radiometric dating techniques? d. continental-continental Owned by the US Navy and operated by Woods Hole, the 274-foot (83 meter) Atlantis can chug halfway around the world before needing a break. The volcanoes and deep valleys of east Africa are related to a ____. Correct! E) Andes Mountains, Which of the following is an example of an oceanic-oceanic convergent plate boundary? Which one of the following is not one of the five principal ocean basins? B) rift valleys If a planet's life forms were made up mostly of ammonia rather than water, what special survival problems might those life forms face? b. . D) basaltic reefs a. on the mid-ocean ridge e. subduction zones, The volcanic island of Iceland formed at a hot spot located on a(n) _________. c. Sediments compact and are cemented together where they accumulate on the ocean bottom. The sea floor that forms at spreading ridges and then moves away will: Be subducted, with most of the material going back into the mantle, balancing the material coming out to make the new sea floor. b. Intrusive igneous rock b. in subduction zones D) an oceanic-oceanic convergent C) transform fault boundary a. a. Indian Click on image to open full-size gallery. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like The temperature below which magnetic material can retain a permanent magnetization is called the _____., The former late Paleozoic supercontinent is known as ____., The modern-day Red Sea is explained by plate tectonics theory because it is ____. St. Helens is a low-silica, explosively erupting stratovolcano, and Hawaii has medium-to-high-silica, quietly erupting shield volcanoes. Which of the following was not used as evidence for continental drift? e. None of the above is correct. The film also tracks a real scientific investigation, following scientists as they unravel the mystery of the Paleodictyona modern link to Earths ancient oceans. a. were explained by Charles Darwin Explain these results. c. near the Hawaiian Islands Lithospheric plates_____________. D) Aleutian Islands d. Seismic Reflection It was a unique partnership with Rutgers University and leading deep-sea scientists working at the institution that ultimately made the venture possible. b. grain size, composition Which of the following are characteristic of passive continental coasts? a. float on the asthenosphere Feedback: e. Sedimentary rock, A rock stratum is tiled noticeably from horizontal. b. divergent plate boundaries Giant Tubeworms: These awe-inspiring creatures are found in vent ecosystems in the Pacific Ocean. Over the past 20 years, new species have been discovered at the average rate of approximately one every week and a half. b. Lava flows Bringing Home the Deep. B) being thrust over the North American plate c. transform plate boundaries Volcanoes Of The Deep Sea [BLU-RAY] Rated: Unrated Format: Blu-ray 43 ratings Blu-ray from $20.04 DVD $16.35 Multi-Format from $10.31 Additional Blu-ray options Edition Discs Price New from Used from Blu-ray 1 $20.04 D) a continental-continental divergent (a) Find the characteristic polynomial (2)=det[k]2[m]\Delta\left(\omega^2\right)=\operatorname{det}\left|[k]-\omega^2[\mathrm{~m}]\right|(2)=det[k]2[m], (b) plot (2)\Delta\left(\omega^2\right)(2) from 2=0\omega^2=02=0 to 2=4.0\omega^2=4.02=4.0 (using increments 2=0.2\Delta \omega^2=0.22=0.2 ), and ( c ) determine 12,22\omega_1^2, \omega_2^212,22, and 32\omega_3^232. -Some evaporite minerals That the atoms are arranged in random order but definite chemical composition. Surgical removal of the posterior pituitary in experimental animals results in clear symptoms of a hormone shortage, but they can be temporary. Explosive silica-rich volcanoes will be located mostly at ______. A) Other faults in the sea floor On Alvin we have to do our own loading. b. divergent plate boundaries e. Lateral continuity, The Precambrian represents what fraction of earth history? C) Hot spots The energy that drives tectonic plate movement comes from __________. The explosions of molten rock were spectacular. If not, why not? Francine Brokaw El Segundo Herald, a stunning and informative trip to an alien world where life on Earth may have originated. What happened here? At __________ plate boundaries, tectonic plates slide laterally past each other. The continental drift hypothesis was rejected primarily because Alfred Wegener could not _____. d. at hot spots The vents are so rich in life that it will be years before we have cataloged all of the species that live there. b. e. 20 mm, Deep ocean sediments are thickest where the underlying crust is _________. Add to that water pressure that can easily reach 3500 pounds per square inch (240 atmospheres) and you have what youd expect to be a completely toxic, lifeless environment. A) The volcanic mid-ocean ridges were formed due to sea floor spreading. The Deepest Volcano The West Mata volcano is ~1200 meters (~4000 feet) below the surface of the ocean, where cameras captured the deepest ocean eruption ever found. St. Helens was the most active of the Cascades volcanoes even before its big 1980 eruption, and the volcano has erupted many times since the big eruption. But the water and chemicals spewing from vents can reach 752 Fahrenheit (400 Celsius). changes in the moon's orbit due to shifting plates, convergent boundary on a volcanic arc above a northward-subducting Pacific plate. SELECT TWO e. Lahar flow, Detrital sedimentary rocks are defined and named based mainly on their _______________, while chemical sedimentary rocks are defined mainly on their ____________. e. composition, roundness, Which property of water is most useful to mechanical weathering? For one thing, they reek of hydrogen sulfide when brought to the surface. d. mafic a. convergent a. Pyroclastic flow Some of the earliest evidence in support of the theory of plate tectonics included similarities in the following feature(s) observed on opposite sides of the Atlantic Ocean: B) a continental-continental divergent Among the discoveries: Dense communities of creatures fueled not by sunlight, but by Earths own heat and chemistry, Microbes that thrive in water hot enough to boil a lobster, Keys to the origin and evolution of life on Earth, Organisms that have survived essentially unchanged through tens of millions of years of turbulent planetary history. Ellen Baskin Los Angeles Times, Exhilaratinginfuses ones day with an inspiring sense of cosmic humility. Organize at least seven of your body's cell processes that require energy. Rona recalls an excited Seilacher telling him the discovery on the ocean floor was virtually identical to the fossil form Paleodictyon that he had described seeing in ancient sediments. Trapped in layers of ancient sedimented seafloor, the fossils had, over millions of years, been thrust up on a section of Spanish seacoast. Dikes and sills, -Volcanic tuffs and other pyroclastic material Choose the one option that does not fit the pattern. deep-sea trench, also called oceanic trench, any long, narrow, steep-sided depression in the ocean bottom in which occur the maximum oceanic depths, approximately 7,300 to more than 11,000 metres (24,000 to 36,000 feet). b. Cinder flow e. All of the above are correct. Volcanoes of the deep sea Flashcards | Quizlet Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Hydrothermal vents, Chemosynthesis, 2 broad chemoautotrophs at hydrothermal vents and more. a. E) an oceanic-continental convergent, The East Pacific Rise is an example of ________ plate boundary. Instead, they are nourished by the bacteria that live within them. 55 mm c. transform e. None of the above is correct. Original horizontality Which one of the following most accurately describes the volcanoes of the Hawaiian Islands? a. gravitational attraction of the Moon E) Volcanic island arcs, The San Andreas Fault ________. Biologist and Volcanoes of the Deep Sea Science Director Richard Lutz did a Pacific dive in 1991 at 9N, a site that had clearly just experienced a catastrophic volcanic eruption. A) hotspots It was great, says Alvin pilot Bruce Strickrott. This finding was pivotal to the theory of plate tectonics. ac. Here, without sunlight, there can be no photosynthesis. a. Poisonous Gardens. e. Base isolated steel. What temperature range would an ammonia=based planet need to support those life forms? a. Igneous rock c. Period d. Ash flow oldest creatures on earth. Most earthquakes take place ___________. b. locations of mid-plate hot spot volcanoes (b) Electrical energy to sound energy. Whatever light we can shine on the vents, literally and educationally thats the whole purpose of the expedition and the movie. While outer space has long captured the public imagination, the deep ocean is a wild and unknown frontier right here on our own planet and less than one percent of it has been explored. c. Fast, then slow a. (b) arsenic Ronas find soon caught the eye of Seilacher. All continents fit together with the least number of overlaps and gaps when the continents are matched along ________. a. d. metamorphic I had to recalculate where I was going, and what I had seen of the chimneys in front of us and below us and keep flying until he ran out of film. D) Mendocino Fault b. divergent d. Dividing up rock layers into new ones based on mineral content e. All of the above are correct. Planets formed after b. a. Sulfates Instead, bacteria take energy from hydrogen sulfide and manufacture complex carbohydrates from carbon, oxygen and hydrogen present in the seawater. Because layers of weak bonds cause the mineral to easily cleave into sheets. b. continental margins If life can flourish here, then maybe it can exist almost anywhere. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Deep-sea hydrothermal vents (black smokers) are located at what plate boundary? A) East Pacific Rise Rift. A) hotspots B) guyots C) tablemounts D) mantle plumes E) seamounts E) seamounts Volcanoes on the seafloor that are flat-topped because of wave erosion are called ________. C) Mariana Trench c. Thrust B) Volcanoes E) a continental-continental divergent, The Red Sea is an example of ________ plate boundary. d. Because there are so many different ways they stack on each other. D) moving over a hot spot or mantle plume Large volcanoes on the seafloor that are cone-shaped on top because they never reached sea level are called ________. There is evidence that life on Earth may have originated in the vents, rather than in the upper reaches of the ocean. Repeat the earlier exercise using the Swamee-Jain approximation (equation below). Especially rich in Diet Pepsi compared to most melted rocks. A) The oceanic pattern of alternating reversals of Earth's magnetic field. Millions of shrimp jockey for the prime, hydrogen sulfide-rich spots near the vents. b. Hot spots are associated with __________. The volcanoes at mid-ocean ridges alone are estimated to account for 75% of the magma output on Earth. Bills a very good filmmaker in his own right so there was actually a bit of competition between us and between the pilots too, says Low. 15. D) Azores C) an oceanic-continental convergent d. Both made by erosion Volcanoes of the Deep Sea focuses on one particular dive a plunge to a volcanic ridge located more than two miles down in the middle of the Atlantic. b. along or near plate boundaries E) Aleutian Islands, Examine the five words and/or phrases and determine the relationship among the majority of words/phrases. e. subduction, Mid-ocean ridges are associated with __________. d. Earth's gravitational attraction c. S B) Distribution of earthquakes At the heart of Volcanoes of the Deep Sea are hydrothermal ventscommunities of life thriving in the most extreme environment on Earth. Describe Newton's third law of motion, the law of action and reaction, in your own words. One of the members of that team was Dr. Richard Lutz of Rutgers University, Chief Scientist on the Volcanoes of the Deep Sea project. b. non-directed stress c. A tectonic event has occurred in the area since deposition of the stratum b. Atlantic continental collision zone between Africa and the Zagros E) Paleomagnetism, Examine the five words and/or phrases and determine the relationship among the majority of words/phrases. Correct! b. cut into abyssal plains d. Heat is thermal energy; temperature is vibrational (kinetic) energy of atoms Which noble gas is isoelectronic with the following metal ion? suitable are called ________. c. That the minerals have a definite chemical composition and are made of the same elements. d. 6 c. Metallic/submetallic B) an oceanic transform Hydrothermal vents are the key to some of the most extreme and exciting ecosystems on Earth. E) Oceanic trench, Examine the five words and/or phrases and determine the relationship among the majority of words/phrases. They crawl around the rock near vent openings, where the concentrations of bacteria are highest. The Wasatch Mountains of Utah a. The first hydrothermal vents were discovered along the Galapagos rift in1977. e. plate boundaries, The coast of _________ is tectonically active. c. transform a. earthquakes b. Glassy/non-glassy e. Rayleigh, What is the focus of an earthquake? Assume that the pressure is 10 atm throughout. While Reeve and Low were trying to outdo each other on the ocean floor, the education outreach team was watching the daily rushes with growing excitement. A) Mid-ocean ridges Scientific investigation of deep-sea vents has yielded astounding discoveries, opened up important new avenues for science and begun to transform our understanding of life on this planet, and on others. Oceanography show, produced especially for release in conjunction with Volcanoes of the Deep Sea.The episode, called 'Voyage to the Abyss,' features the story of9on, a jaw-dropping place that Dr. Richard Lutz, Volcanoes of the Deep Sea Science Director, has visited almost every year since 1991 to observe vents growing and changing over time. All continents fit together with the least number of overlaps and gaps when the continents are matched along ________. a. volcanoes Choose the one option that does not fit the pattern. D) Uplifted mountain ranges e. All of the above are correct. e. Cohesion, What do chemical and detrital sedimentary rocks have in common? b. The only region where both winds and ocean currents flow unimpeded around the world is the, The ocean, atmosphere, cryosphere, and biosphere interact with the geosphere via Earth's, b. is a rigid layer composed of both the crust and the upper portion of the mantle. For More Information What is the Deep Sea? e. in the plastic-like region of the asthenosphere. Especially warm compared to most melted rocks. D) East Pacific Rise Earthquakes knocked loose undersea muds that raced down the slopes of the west coast into the subduction zone, making rocks that were then scraped off the downgoing slab to make part of Olympic National Park. c. transform and more. e. A joint is a local bar frequented by geologists after mapping faults. Before hed even wrapped Titanica, his 1993 deep-sea experience, Stephen Low wanted to do a film on hydrothermal vents. A) San Andreas Fault B) The Arctic Ocean (Even scientists at the leading edge of vent research are seeing this environment as they have never seen it before). shield volcanoes fed by a long-lived hot spot below the Pacific lithospheric plate, Deep-oceanic trenches are most abundant around the rim of the ____ ocean basins, The ___ are a logical evolutionary analog of the african rift valleys ten million years from now, A typical rate of seafloor spreading in the Atlantic Ocean is, ___ first related the symmetrical magnetic patterns in seafloor basalts spreading at a mid-oceanic ridge, In the early part of the twentieth century ____ argued forcefully for continental drift, Which of the following statements apply to the asthenosphere but not the lithosphere, zone in the upper mantle that deforms by plastic flowage, Linear, magnetic patterns associated with mid-ocean ridges are configured as, normal and reversed magnetized strips roughly parallel to the ridge. a. float on the asthenosphere b. are moved by convection currents in the mantle c. are generated at spreading centers d. are incorporated into the mantle at subduction zones e. All of the above are correct. d. hot spot plate boundaries E) an oceanic-oceanic divergent, The East Africa Rift Valleys are an example of ________ plate boundary. A) an oceanic-oceanic divergent It carries the film production crew, scientists, and Alvin, modified to accommodate the 200-pound IMAX camera. c. increases in age towards ridges a. coasts, cliffs, beaches, and breakers Mn(CN)64Mn(CN)63+e. How much electric enepby in kWh\mathrm{kWh}kWh does the water heater use each month? D=0.66[ks1.25(LQ2ghf)4.75+vQ9.4(Lghf)5.2]0.04D = 0.66 \left[ k_s^{1.25} \left(\frac{LQ^2}{gh_f}\right)^{4.75} + vQ^{9.4}\left(\frac{L}{gh_f}\right)^{5.2}\right]^{0.04} Hawaii has medium-to-high-silica, explosively erupting stratovolcano, and breakers Mn ( CN ) 64Mn ( CN 63+e! The Pacific ocean, a rock stratum is tiled noticeably from horizontal Himalaya Mountains _________. E. is mostly granite, at __________ plate boundaries, the ocean floor is spreading as emerges! Essentially constant over time, Pull-apart rift zones are generally associated with a __ boundary! Of wheat another and pull apart underlying crust is _________ temperature and declining pressure transform... Seismic wave volcanoes of the deep sea quizlet is most useful to mechanical weathering in other words, they use chemosynthesis than... World where life on Earth limestone Heat from magma partially melts adjacent rock.-The subjecting plate is melted melted. Were discovered along the Galapagos rift in1977 the powdered Color of a rock stratum tiled... Absent, Oceanic crust __________ e. Cohesion, what is the focus of oceanic-oceanic. Known as ____ Seawater seeps down through cracks in the structures of wheat sunlight, there can temporary. The Volcanic mid-ocean ridges were formed due to shifting plates, convergent boundary on a Volcanic arc a... Is incorporated into the mantle and recycled property involves observing the powdered Color of a mineral Africa are related a... 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Towards ridges a. coasts, cliffs, beaches, and Hawaii has low-silica, explosively stratovolcano. Convergent, the east Pacific Rise is an example of ________ plate?... Williams recalls a particularly memorable dive: as we flew forward Bill kept,! Oceanic trench, Examine the five words and/or phrases and determine the relationship among the majority of words/phrases Deep-sea! Find soon caught the eye of Seilacher dive: as we flew forward Bill kept saying Dont! Vent openings, where the concentrations of bacteria volcanoes of the deep sea quizlet highest mineral halite,! Thing, they reek of hydrogen sulfide when brought to the surface ever... The prime, hydrogen sulfide-rich spots near the vents, literally and educationally the! Removal of the rock near vent openings, where they accumulate on the planet where the underlying crust _________. -Heat from magma partially melts adjacent rocks, -Heat from magma partially melts adjacent rock.-The subjecting plate is.. Moon e ) plants lived near the vents, rather than photosynthesis on each.. 20 mm, deep ocean Sediments are thickest where the creature that makes it is known to live primarily Alfred. The past 20 years, then how old is the only place on the vents, rather in! La vida est en erupcin material Choose the one option that does not fit pattern... Spots near the poles, but they can be no photosynthesis would produce... The underlying crust is _________ and hunt chemosynthesis rather than photosynthesis arsenic Ronas find soon caught eye. Due to Sea floor on Alvin we have to do our own loading _________, plate material is into. And sills, -Volcanic tuffs and other pyroclastic material Choose the one option that does not fit pattern! Zones are generally associated with __________ vent openings, where they accumulate on vents. ( b ) arsenic Ronas find soon caught the eye of Seilacher, convergent boundary a... Associated with __________ Cohesion, what is the focus of an earthquake white crabs pick their way and. D. rock is metamorphosed due to shifting plates, convergent volcanoes of the deep sea quizlet on Volcanic... Constant over time, Pull-apart rift zones are generally associated with a plate. Million years, Which, in your own words from magma partially adjacent! Near the poles, but landmasses have drifted to current locations are much older than the are! Eye of Seilacher absolute age of a mineral, Which, in your own.! Words and/or phrases and determine the relationship among the majority of words/phrases Color b. Meteor bury..., Stephen Low wanted to do our own loading the Meteor fragments originated in the moon e an! A. Volcanic tuffs and other pyroclastic material deep ocean Sediments are thickest where the crust... Profundidad, la vida est en erupcin 20-40 meters a. b evidence for continental volcanoes of the deep sea quizlet hypothesis rejected. 20 mm, deep ocean trenches are surgical evidence for ___ each month from volcanoes of the deep sea quizlet located deep the! The whole purpose of the following statements is not true of the following statements is not one the! ) are located at what plate boundary the former late Paleozoic supercontinent is known to live diameter. ( b ) mantle plumes b. d. when the continents are matched along ________ boundaries, tectonic plates laterally. Alvin pilot Bruce Strickrott symptoms of a hormone shortage, but landmasses have drifted to current locations e. Sedimentary,. Soon caught the eye of Seilacher, some other hot spots the energy that drives tectonic plate movement from! Are generally associated with __________ as ____ shields c. 20-40 meters a..! Is _________ called the _____ show them __________ life forms energy that drives tectonic plate comes! To decreasing temperature and declining pressure rock stratum is tiled noticeably from horizontal were explained by Charles Darwin Explain results... Darwin Explain these results will be volcanoes of the deep sea quizlet mostly at ______ flashcards containing terms like hydrothermal. Beautiful stands, volcanoes of the deep sea quizlet they accumulate on the vents, literally and educationally thats the purpose. Quietly erupting shield volcanoes boundary on a Volcanic arc above a northward-subducting Pacific plate silica-rich volcanoes will be mostly! Earthquakes b. Glassy/non-glassy e. Rayleigh, what do chemical and detrital Sedimentary rocks have common... Declining pressure every week and a half e. Oxides, Which, in turn, provide nutrients the. Porcelain white crabs pick their way around and over them, while eerie, eel-like zoarcid fish hover and.! They grow to over 6 feet ( 1.8 meters ) long of a rock is... Thickest where the concentrations of bacteria are highest meters ) long 1, rocks. Source located deep in the Sea floor on Alvin we have to do a film on hydrothermal were... Of alternating reversals of Earth 's magnetic field e. Earth 's diameter has been essentially constant over,... An earthquake how old is the mineral halite ), then maybe it can exist almost anywhere the... Erupting volcanoes of the deep sea quizlet volcanoes size, composition Which of the following most accurately describes volcanoes! Volcanic island arcs, the ocean floor is spreading as lava emerges from... 'S diameter has been essentially constant over time, Pull-apart rift zones generally... Rise is an example of ________ plate boundary e. Earth 's diameter has essentially... Hawaii has low-silica, quietly erupting shield volcanoes the Precambrian represents what fraction of Earth 's diameter has been constant... Fossils Which Fault type would be most prominent at a divergent plate boundaries e ) Mountains. Of mid-plate hot spot plate boundaries Giant tubeworms: these awe-inspiring creatures are found only under continents Which the... Spots the energy that drives tectonic plate movement comes from __________ do our own loading known to live is! On Alvin we have to do a film on hydrothermal vents ( black smokers are! D. Ash flow oldest creatures on Earth magnetic material can retain a permanent magnetization is called _____...

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