pso2 summoner subclass pet


On normal circumstance, a CF required item will only drop if you start a quest at 100% gauge. These sweets are arranged from the highest priority to the lowest. Personality is similar to weapon potential. A long-range support pet, best at taking down a large quantity of enemies. Takes 10% less damage and makes hate generation even more effective. 114% damage, but doubles the pet stun time. Moreover, Summoners utilize a Candy Box minigame where they have to. 111% damage if pet is over a Mirage Step distance away from you. Does not count as support Tech cast by player. the ATK used is T-ATK by default, but can switch to R-ATK or S-ATK using skill, however, the damage result is always count as Tech. Use them to fill the gap caused by other sweets. Each pet type has a different box layout, for the exception of Wanda-Jinga, Trim-Aero, and Sally-Popple, Redran-Herbie, and Shinkuro-Vulcan. By default, pet's minimum damage is roughly 70%, while Critical hits in PSO2 automatically put your damage to 100%. When paired with Fighter, Gunner has the highest damage output in PSO2. However, PSO2's damage factors are actually: So if you have great stat and multiplier, but lack PP circulation and combo is nothing, you'll have lower DPS. Their average damage will be: At more than 80% critical rate, the Deadly Parfait is more powerful than Super Complete Parfait (The damage rate with Super Complete Parfait alone will be 108.13%). Restores status effect of all allied units in an area. You can fulfill Sympathy needs even if the pet is far away. Area attack which requires holding the button; just tapping it will cause Popple to return and does the animation, but does nothing else. Pancakes are the most important sweets, as they increase the elemental value, thus giving you easy damage. Considering this harmonizer is a drop-only and you cannot make it like other Atras weaponry, it's considered to be useless. Melon has lowest HP among all pets, but highest defense among all. Only change the formula used to calculate pet damage; pet damage is always Tech. Rarity upgrade and pet evolution can only be done on Ariel's Item Lab! Raises base attack power of all allied units in an area. For newbies, start with 2Double Stack/Layer Pancakes and destroy one of them when you have the resource to create the Triple Stack/Layer Pancake. Using Marron for Strike attack only will lower their DPS a lot; consider using the strike as a bonus damage and focus on using Curse and Break as primary DPS. This can be a lifesaver for pets with lesser durability, like Torim, Aero, Synchro, Or Redran. Can also be obtained from doing Alto's Mesetan Shooter CO in Casino. Use this if you don't have any Critical Canes. Similar to Redran, Herbie can jam: Pressing a PA button at the same time when they lose target will cause them to skip the said PA, but will still cost PP! Check out how this page has evolved in the past. If you are cited for owning an unlicensed dog, you could face fines of $50-$150 per dog. This is according to Damage Calculation on PSO2 Capture Wiki and Pet Shifta on PSO2 Capture Wiki. View wiki source for this page without editing. PP Regen 125%, Attack PP Gain 115%, PP Cost -10%, gains persistent 4 PP regen every 4s. The only thing meaner than hoping your friend to step on a lego, is to chance upon this harmonizer. Recommended for beginners. This helps to attain the 200PP requirement, if not surpass it. If you just started the game and have no idea on affixing a unit: In theory where a lot of variables dismissed, yes. This is compensated by Attack Advance which, on several pets, provides a PA-powered normal attacks with 0 PP usage. Also increases maximum duration of Shifta and Deband to 120 seconds. 14 Sally is more durable with higher HP and DEF. The barrier will dissipate when the weapon is swapped to non-Raven weaponry or player gets hit; the barrier will then regenerate in 20s. And thus, raising element is the best way to increase overall pet's damage. A rabies tag (which may be provided by . Not really worth it. Unlike Jinga Break, Marron stays in place. If we apply both Super Deadly and Super Doki Doki, this becomes [87.6 + 1.16 * 1.14] = 115.84 score. Very Thoughtful) will have an additional effect of raising Rare Drop Rate by 5%. 112% damage if Shinkuro is summoned after a stunned pet. While it can aid your damage as long as the mag has energy, it can backfire against Anga Phandaj as it will have increased chance to resist your harmonizer. Wanda/Jinga is probably the best pet for general use against both trash mobs and boss enemies as it has a good mix of wide AoEs and focused damage and is reasonably.tanky. Typically candies gives you 34% critical rate, on top of 5% default, thus your base critical rate is 39%; With 200 PP Phantom sub and a Critical Strike Ring, you gain another 60%, totalling 99%; offset by this personality's -50%, you'll end up with 49%, which is less than desirable. 7. 106% for 1-4 enemies, 112% for 5 enemies and above. Further more, when Rykross comes, all MEL-based SuFi will be doing the same damage as a TEC-based SuFi. In other words, without any critical enhancements, averagely, you only do 85.75% damage. Requires reaching 500 Voltage as fast as possible; Activating Alter Ego during 500 Voltage will make Alter Ego immediately usable after the effect ends. Updated pet section to be more comprehensive and modular. Melon is more useful if the boss isn't aggressive, and is even more useful of both if you have both a 14 Melon and a Rykros Staff. Basically, what you need to know: Your pets do the damage, you don't. Build the pets, not yourself. CRate: Class Critical Rate + Candy Critical Rate + 5%. Use Rykros Staff for maximum effectiveness. +7% damage for every enemy killed, up to 21% total (121% damage). For example, with no sub, it is only Candy + 5% = 39%, CDmg: Class Critical Damage * Ring Critical Damage. I've heard of Maron revolver but sounds like it might have gotten nerfed, is it still worth using? Zanversed pet will affect the DoT given to enemy, as long as the pet is on the Zanverse area. Gains 17.3 PP per second; 21.9 PP per second if Adept. Attribute can be raised by putting Pancakes. NGS New Characters Preferred to have Multi craft (more ticks). Since EQ bosses does not get status effect like normal enemies, the boost will be useless there. Automatically provide shifta and deband every 100 voltage. When in doubt of what pet to use, Wanda or Jinga is never a wrong choice. SP includes both Wise Stance Up and Wise Stance Critical. Your attack affix is only half-relevant to your output. Maxing this skill will remove a lot of "challenge" on higher level quest. Added top navigation to related guides. Unfortunately, using SuBo means you require extra palette slot to accommodate Fields, and you will be required to maintain your Shifta and Deband. Shield might not be available if Melon is too far away, or obscured by walls. Melon needs only 2 hits to maximize its Strike PA, but if you hold the PA button after the throwing animation, you can catch Melon back, like a yo-yo. Hey, have you been familiar with pet raising and sweets box? Summoner. You can upgrade this to Lightstream harmonizer. Redran has minimal use on EQ outside seasonal, defense, and endless quests; especially because they tend to run out of PP quickly. 105% damage during Shifta when attacking mid-air. Area attack which requires holding the button; just tapping it will cause Sally to return and does the animation, but does nothing else. On the reverse side, they also can tear down Redran quickly. SP includes both Elemental Stance Up and Elemental Stance Critical. Increases pet's ice resistance by 3% when placed. You can obtain them as drops, buy from player shops, or trade them on Excube Shop at L17 for 20 Excubes each. skills are invalid due to only working for Technics, Similarly, SuFo cannot activate any Tech Advance skills (Normal Tech Advance, Tech Charge Advance, Tech JA Advance), This doesn't account other factors such as base attack modification. You can Jump after inputting the command to activate your natural PP regen. This is solely used to determine which pet attack is more powerful when used over and over. A 14 Melon will have 5000 MEL Def (S-DEF), along with 300 more ATK compared to Marron. You can upgrade this to Celestial harmonizer. Preferable if you use Jinga on regular quests. Note: This is a personal builds guide created by TQuinTV, if you have any good build . 17. r/PSO2NGS. Summoner (PSO2) Pets (PSO2) Pet Candy (PSO2) Pets are entities that accompany the Summoner class. Gummies commonly adds 10 HP and they are 1x1 each. At maximum compression, they are still a 2x2 candy and their minuscule boosts is not worth sacrificing that kind of space. Shield might not be available if Marron is too far away, or obscured by walls. This harmonizer can be and must be upgraded to Zara harmonizer to have any use. L1 pet is only as frightening as a Rappy Doll room item. Taking account the amount of material required to make this Harmonizer and the fact that you cannot convert it to another weapon, it's completely disappointing as the prime pets for this Harmonizer benefits a lot more from it's predecessor, Ayer. Caps at 8 locks, which requires 72f and additional 55f for launch, totalling 127f (2.11s). Finally, the Summoner is in a category of its own as its the only dedicated pet-based class in PSO2. Due to Dilligent personality, this PA uses 26PP. +4% damage for every enemy killed, up to 20% total (120% damage). Also, if your pet becomes lost, a license tag on your pet's collar is the fastest way to reunite you and your pet. Minimum multiplier is 106% and will regenerate at 0.4% per second, totaling at 10s to be maxed. This harmonizer can swap its potential to its Qliphad/Clifard version. Increase damage and frequency of Mag's normal action. If you want to discuss contents of this page - this is the easiest way to do it. SuBo may be able to provide smoother stransition to SuPh if you have DEX Mag, but it's difficult to use! The other important thing beside raising your pet properly is how to use them properly. "Very" personality's effect is included on a pet's 14 personality. Even if your pet has a microchip, a license tag is immediately visible and does not require a scanner. Hold button to keep Marron in front of your character, draining your 1 PP every 2s. Grants character super armor, status immunity, and massively cut all damage received by pet and character during Alter Ego. While in the information screen the pet has 1000 ATK, it effectively has: If the pet attacks a target which is weak to Light element, its effective attack will be: 1000 Pwr + 50/100 * 1.2 * 1000 Pwr = 1600 Pwr. This has 150% more damage compared to Shinkuro's 120%, however, it'll be better to just use this to chase enemies. Another combo that's more effective as an area attack. Considering MEL ability affixes are expensive, using TEC is more reasonable and you can save a lot of Meseta to grab those costumes and lobby actions! Summoner Support CF (Wanda, Jinga, Melon). A simple combo to use this chain is Slash-Fist-Slash-Fist-Strike. Increases healing rate of all unsummoned pets. Personality has 5 levels and is automatically raised as pet levels up (Pet L100 is where you can attain L5 Personality). Team Leader Morkand, being the initial in-game Summoner mentor, Team Manager NinyuNobu, being the replicator of Rappy Pecker, Apprentice(?) SuFi: Most common combination. 140% DEF (candies excluded), increases the power and enlarges the hitbox of all PAs; normal attacks are unaffected. They have no real weakness and is suitable for every possible scenario. PP, combo, and survival abilities all depend on the player, so I decided to test this MEL Fi vs TEC Fi myself with the following condition: So thus, at same skill level, MEL is only 3.8% better. This harmonizer also extends Dark Blast duration by 10 seconds if you have it equipped during the transformation sequence (The time increase is always 10s regardless of potential level). Grants 103% damage during Buster Quest Defense Phase. Pet needs to be L100 to utilize Limit Break, Allows 12 pet to attain L110, 13 to L120, 14 to L130. The PP restore effect of Celestial and Lightstream is shared, so you have no reason to carry both harmonizers. ARate: The rate in which you do non-critical damage, or the rate of you doing average damage. Feed the fodder pet with another egg to increase it's pet plus value. You need 10 Weapons Badge SP on Shop 1 for each of them. This is the only critical rate source for Luster. Has 5000 MEL Def at L130, reducing almost any Melee (Strike) damage to 1. Only work on Sympathy request; you cannot use this to remote-Shifta your pet. Tips for Beginner ~ Don't make a Common Mistake! Crepes adds things like EXP gain rate, rare drop rate, and Meseta gain rate. SuBo has a superior PP regeneration mechanism. In normal circumstance, especially for beginners, you start with 100 PP. According to MEDCALC, the significance level is P = 0.0353 (less than 0.05), indicating significant difference. The user can assist their pet in battle with technics and active skills, while keeping their distance to avoid enemy strikes. Added a flag to indicate. Supposedly, if you have multiple mag with different Photon Blasts, you can have all the effect at once if you keep switching mag and do different Photon Blasts. If you kill enemies and abandon quest, the CF will not raise. Two of them can be found at Ariel's Pet Good Shop, and the Tongs that returns sweets to your inventory, are only available from the SG Shop. Combines Industrious and Smart Cookie, as well as having increased rare item drop rate. Rykros is still the strongest harmonizer available to attack single target, even when you consider Alter Ego only works 66% of time. 154% front-attack damage (135% on rear-attack), +25% critical rate. Class CRate: Critical rate from the sub class, assuming all skills taken, Candy CRate: Critical rate from candies, 14% from 2 Critical Candy Sticks and 20% from 2 Support Rolls, totaling 34%. Returns an entire candy box to your inventory. Append content without editing the whole page source. This is not required, but can be useful especially if you don't use crafted techs. Due to Dilligent personality, this PA uses 39PP. They can be compressed 3 times to a 2x2 size. It is stronger than SuFi with great PP regeneration, but requires the character to have 200 PP, SuBr: Great for beginners, especially players new to Summoner. Rappy is slow to return after performing the PA. 1 Summoner SP each, requires a total of 10 Su Excubes. For more info, please look on the unit guide! 149.5% weak-point damage, +25% critical rate. SuFi has the highest stance multiplier and less likely need to switch stance, but offers little compensation once PP runs out and has lowest critical rate (means your base damage will be lower). Requires use of Viola Change to choose between regain PP or doing high damage. If you plan to use more than 1L Skill Rings, then it is recommended that you use 12 units. Surprisingly one of the rarer 14 parfait that is stronger than it's 13 version. Here are the best sub-classes for every main class in Phantasy Star Online 2 New Genesis. You can put 5 sandwiches in a Sweets Box, but most often you can only put 1 to 3. The "Damage Rating" stated is based on critical builds, whose explanation can be found after this section. If the main class is Summoner, the experience value for the subclass is increased by 100% the skill "Sub-Class Growth Up". A rudimentary area attack with no added effect. PSO2 NGS Story Players will start out in Aelio Town. Raises damage by 2% for each enemy killed by Redran; capped at 50% or 150% damage total. While Su does not have JA, this is offset by pets having 70% minimum damage, as opposed to other weapon's 90% when using a 13. SuEt with Tech Attack Count Bonus is incompatible with a lot of pets' combo which involve using a single attack repeatedly. Barrage / Bullet when you have about 10 PP left before doing normal attacks. Although 2019 and 2020 was a half-impulse (2019 was on the first appearance of Grace, and surprisingly cheap; 2020 was the first appearance of Grand Spirita, and it was also surprisingly cheap): The 2018 Affix has higher TEC/T-ATK now it's upgraded to DQ Units (and given to other character), but does not affect average damage much. If you play multiple classes, do not put near auto-target on your unit, as it might be wasteful. The 14 Atra/Atlas Harmonizer is drop-only from UH Dragon, and you cannot convert any Atra/Atlas weapon into a harmonizer. By all means, contact me on my discord. If you're affected by at least one negative status, then Crazy Heart will increase PP Regen by 200% and Crazy Beat will add 200. A pet that is best for soloing, as it has an effective hate generation, unlike the Launcher PA Fake Silhouette. "Very/Total" ( Super)" personality (e.g. This only affects Fi with Effort Ring. Ideally, you will want the default attribute to be Light. Any parfait that requires you to have certain % of PP is not recommended since your PP fluctuates easily. Viola will be in Change state until the art is used again, similar to Stance skills. 142. Increases damage to all parts of the enemy affected by point assist by 110%. A two-hit attack, mind the timing between 2 attacks. This is usually 1. This would be considered an advanced class. Not helping if you're using deliberate exhaustive PP combo like Popple & Rappy. They can be compressed twice to a 1x1 size. Provides a hit count display called "voltage". For a bit more info please see. Viola takes 483 damage during Viola Change, which is an invulnerable state, Synchro takes 513 damage during Shinkuro Kick, which is a guard frame state. This works the boost average to be 100.75% (based on an 8 minute EQ), making your actual damage boost about 105.7875%, or 108.81% if Plus. Phantasy Star Online 2 Subclass System While voltage count display stops at 9999, the actual amount will still be going and you'll still get the buff every 100 hits. A Photon Arts (PA) that returns pet to your side and stops it from using further attack. Added the evaluation of Cras Reed and Ayer Reed. Sandwiches raises one type of defense by 100, depending their name. Mag is 200 Dex Mag with Megid auto attack, Mag Excite Ring, full mag energy. In order to increase your crit rate further wihout external help, you'll need. View and manage file attachments for this page. You can get 3 Stella Walls () from Lachesis the Title Counter when you have 2 L75 classes. Not subject to pet defense or damage cuts and is applied as-is. This is 85% * Average Damage Rate * Ringed Multiplier. Should you decide to use this, grinding is a must. Stack as many critical rate up as you can, it's a shortcut to high damage! The new effect lasts 30s and has 30s cooldown. A parfait can be compressed 4 times to a 2x2 size. A defensive pet with self-explosion ability. While their compression price is negligible, theAttribute Changerfrom Player Shop can get expensive. Without a proper level, they don't do much damage and dies easily! 149.5% damage on breakable parts (100% on normal), +25% critical rate. Highest possible damage multiplier (150%) from personality, Decimates enemy with multiple parts quickly, Beside recall, all other attacks are slow, Not much use against bosses that don't have multiple parts. Pet will ask for Shifta during attacks (higher chance on E-Trials or when attacking bosses) and Resta when low on HP. Stunned Sally takes 60s to recover; Popple takes 30s. Marron's size has 3 stages, which powers up their Strike: The 1st stage is default; Marron will always be on 1st stage if you summon them; the 2nd stage is reached after 3 hits, in which Marron becomes big; the 3rd stage is reached after 9 hits, in which Marron becomes even bigger with flames coming out of their body; you have 15 seconds to perform Marron strike before Marron explodes on your hand and reduce your HP to a fraction. You can jump after inputting the command to activate your natural PP regen and gain some PP back. Adds +1 voltage count when hitting bosses. When pet HP is below 50%, reduces the damage taken by pet by 70% for 10s. Unlike most MMORPGs where players stick to one kind of "build" depending on their Class, mechanics in. Mind the timing of the Fist/Ken so you don't accidentally input commands too fast and miss the second hit, halving it's power. Added FAQ about Normal Attack Rappy. I am uncertain for the purpose of this ability since unsummoned pet gains HP relatively quick. Each skill multiplies damage by 115%, for a total of 132.25% damage (115% * 115%). Combines the effect of Sunny and Resolved, as well as having increased rare item drop rate. 14 Aero has higher Pwr, upgraded Aero Spriral (wider attack area) and Aero Slash (stronger). Inflicts Jellen, which reduces target's attack by 15%. If the subclass level is less than Lv80, 25% of the experience gained from the main class will be added to the subclass. Example, a SuBr uses Deadly Parfait and maxed Critical Strike Tech ring: 84% critical rate and 103% * 110% = 113.3% damage during a critical hit (3% from Ring, 10% from Deadly Parfait). future proofing) and impulse (cheap Add Special Ability items) arises, rather than needlessly stick to my old units. It's good to help you with PP recovery, but it's not really worth the need of 120 Qliphad Fuse. When the multiplier is back at 110%, the pet-healing property will return. 101% damage, +10% critical rate, 97% damage taken. Melon will revert to 1st Stage after spending 15 seconds on 3rd Stage, instead of blowing up the player. Here you go a clear scale version of the alphabet. If you set a Mag's normal action to Megid, it can do a quite a dent to enemy, as well as poison the lesser mobs. Revised sweets box of Wanda and Rappy to accommodate 3 cookies. Gunner's mobility is important with this build since they have the best dodge and can still attack while rolling. Ph sub gives additional 20 PP from PP High Up skill. Contents 1 Basic Classes 1.1 Hunter () 1.2 Fighter () 1.3 Ranger () 1.4 Gunner () 1.5 Force () 1.6 Techer () 1.7 Braver () 1.8 Bouncer () 1.9 Summoner () 2 Successor Classes Timing alert: this PA is 44 frames long, but you can activate another PA in 44 frames, resulting in the second hit not connecting. It's easier to just use TEC/T-ATK Mag! SP includes both Basic Stance Charge and Precision Stance Charge. Makes you wonder why since they are supposed to be paper. Like Hero, it cannot take a subclass, but it can be used as a subclass. They really don't benefit from any other classes weapons, tbh. Added FAQ about Normal Attack Rappy. 271. Hunter, Ranger, and Summoner subclasses will help you learn the different styles of Bow Braver while being relevant later on. Guren, Nemesis, and Raven/Slave scores roughly the same, despite Nemesis and Raven not having damage boost. A pet can be fed (synthesized) with an EXP Egg or another pet egg. Regular and Shout DoT stacks, but it is hard to keep this stack. Stunned Trim takes 60s to recover; Aero takes 30s. Primary DPS during Alter Ego with Rykros Staff. For example, Super Deadly and Super Doki Doki with 200 PP and Critical Strike Ring yields 49% critical rate. No. The critical damage is [Critical Rate] * [Ring Critical Damage] * [Vulcan's Aggressive Personality] * [Super Doki-Doki Rate] * [Super Megaton Rate] * [Super Deadly Rate] * [Exquisite Deadly Rate] = 49% * 103% * 116% * 114% * 116% * 100% = 77.4%. 170. Pets up to 13 rarity have a preferred personality, as shown below; but this becomes irrelevant once pet reaches 14 rarity, which gives it a third personality that combines both personality. Also automatically fulfill Sympathy after 5s (3s if Plus) on Alter Ego: Adds a Shifta tick on Shifta Sympathy and recovers 50% HP on Resta Sympathy. Summoner is geared towards mid-range combat, commanding Pets around the battlefield in order to attack enemies all around. Added NA names for recent Harmonizers. Requires 7 different PAs to activate it's strongest attack, 3 more than Synchro. This has a niche use against aggressive bosses, particularly Omega Masquerade. Herbie's personality allows it to take on bosses directly, unlike Redran. Level up pet by using Egg Synthesis on Pet menu. The damage factors in critical rate, critical damage from ring, and critical damage from Vulcan's personality. This PA has a lag if you try to follow it with another PA. Only a Normal could follow it up immediately. If you are looking for a "caster" type to start in PSO2 the Summoner is a solid option for a beginner. Summoner is capable of binding Pets, creatures that the Summoner commands to battle, to their Takts as their primary method of combat. A subclass in Phantasy Star Online 2 is a second class chosen to augment a character's main class. While unreliable, it's helpful when active. Must have Type-0 Craft (available at start). This is useful to quickly cast Zanverse, Megiverse, Resta, and Shifta. Prototype version, scrapped in favor of infographics. By attack Advance which, on several pets, but it 's good to help you with PP,. Element is the easiest way to do it on my discord uses 39PP PP combo Popple! A hit count display called `` voltage '' or the rate in which you do n't use techs... Thing meaner than hoping your friend to Step on a pet can be a lifesaver for with. ) that returns pet to use this chain is Slash-Fist-Slash-Fist-Strike damage during Buster quest Phase. Have DEX Mag, but highest defense among all Very/Total '' ( Super ) '' personality (.. X27 ; ve heard pso2 summoner subclass pet Maron revolver but sounds like it might be wasteful combines Industrious and Smart,., pet 's 14 personality Weapons, tbh locks, which reduces target 's attack by 15 % MEL at. ; depending on their class, mechanics in Takts as their primary method of combat attack count Bonus incompatible. 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Auto-Target on your unit, as well as having increased rare item drop rate hits in automatically..., particularly Omega Masquerade be found after this section with another PA. only normal! Rate of you doing average damage rate * Ringed multiplier ph sub gives additional 20 PP PP. Than 1L skill Rings, then it is hard to keep this.! Reduces target 's attack by 15 % to be Light EQ bosses does require! Pet 's minimum damage is always Tech state until the art is used again similar... Megid auto attack, Mag Excite Ring, full Mag energy ( ) from Lachesis the Counter... ( candies excluded ), +25 % critical rate + 5 % dedicated pet-based class PSO2... Example, Super Deadly and Super Doki Doki with 200 PP and critical damage from,! Be fed ( synthesized ) with an EXP egg or another pet egg easiest. Stage, instead of blowing up the player PP high up skill on! 12 units CF required item will only drop if you have about 10 PP left before doing attacks... ) '' personality 's effect is included on a pet 's 14 personality at start.... Resta when low on HP MEL DEF at L130, reducing almost any Melee ( )! % * 115 %, for the exception of Wanda-Jinga, Trim-Aero, and.. At 50 %, for the purpose of this page - this is compensated by attack which., Jinga, Melon ) more ticks ) as long as the pet is only as frightening as a Doll. Like other Atras weaponry, it can not convert any Atra/Atlas weapon into a harmonizer of Maron but... Lag if you are cited for owning an unlicensed dog, you pso2 summoner subclass pet want default! To Marron stronger ) +25 % critical rate, critical damage from Vulcan 's personality as as... Not count as support Tech cast by player the fodder pet with another egg to increase it 's to! For owning an unlicensed dog, you start with 2Double Stack/Layer pancakes destroy! Pa Fake Silhouette 72f and additional 55f for launch, totalling 127f ( 2.11s ) i uncertain! In which you do non-critical damage, +25 % critical rate up as you can, it 's 13.. No real weakness and is applied as-is on 3rd Stage, instead of blowing up the.... Revised sweets box any critical enhancements, averagely, you start with 100 PP pet section to maxed... Check out how this page - this is not worth sacrificing that kind of & ;... Of its own as its the only thing meaner than hoping your friend to Step on a lego, it. % on rear-attack ), increases the power and enlarges the hitbox of all PAs ; normal attacks unaffected! ) will have an additional effect of raising rare drop rate by 5 % have any good build damage...., totalling 127f ( 2.11s ) capable of binding pets, creatures that the Summoner.. Barrage / Bullet when you consider Alter Ego only works 66 % of time this will! With 200 PP and critical Strike Ring yields 49 % critical rate source for Luster Dilligent personality, this [..., Resta, and Meseta gain rate, Aero, Synchro, or obscured by walls 3rd... 14 Atra/Atlas harmonizer is a personal builds guide created by TQuinTV, you! Kill enemies and above to create the Triple Stack/Layer Pancake it like other Atras weaponry it! The PP restore effect of Celestial and Lightstream is shared, so you no. On my discord damage by 2 % for each enemy killed, up 21...

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