advantages and disadvantages of using a table and css formatting


There is no drag and drop anymore. It is in lists of links in one column and descriptions in another column, with more data in a third or forth column. Calling this debate css vs tables is actually inaccurate. CSS has many advantages that enable developers to design a website. Home. With divs its just guessing, maybe this will work. This is one of those debates that never seems to go away and I guess Im not exactly doing my part to make it go away with this post. A list? The flexibility is in your html structure. CSS is not hard to learn.The argument is made by people comparing learning something new to learning something they already know well. Outlook 2007 has a brain-dead rendering engine, so if youre producing HTML e-mails, you need to use tables. The argument is about how to structure a web page. As you mentioned, pages built in tables have to load twice (something I didnt know until reading this post) add to this that the example you showed: clearly illustrates how much extra code is required for tables. I avoid tables and table-cell in almost all layouts to avoid ridicule, but deep down I truly believe that anything else is convoluted and meant to create more jobs for web developers. It is easy to customize a web page as it can be done by merely altering a modular file. I think making your structural elements independent is the better option. I had not heard about this controversy, being a WYSIWYG kind of guy. Tables are simply not faster to create. I didnt say things like css is much faster or place any other qualifier on it. But now not only is the solution more convoluted with containers i.e the complexity in code grows proportionally with the amount of columns compared to a simple table but we still dont really have equal length columns as its only the containers that are equal length and not the content/sidebar divs themselves. (801) 636-5158. We all came to web design in our own way and with our own skills. Advantages of Inline CSS: You can easily and quickly insert CSS rules to an HTML page. There are also dozens of other methods I didnt mention. designing since 1999 started with dreamweaver, handcoding is a pain and for programmers. I disagree with you that both are techniques with little distinction. However, know that the industry has moved on. Maybe you want to move the sidebar from the left to the right of the content. I understand people have old code and sometimes they just need to fix it. When using CSS for layout, browsers can cache I disagree about it being more code. Thanks Rami and interesting analogy. No one is going to stop you. Sure if in some Mexican sweat shop, 5 year olds were parsing pages for Google that may be true, but parsing text is as basic as programming gets other than typing hello world on the screenI really doubt thats an issue for Google, or Yahoo spider programmers. John if youre having to adjust margins and paddings and height and width because youre updating text youve done something wrong when setting up the code. If you originally decide all your h1 tags should be blue and later want them to be red its certainly easier to have your h1 style sitting in a single css file. How to use CSS in different dimension (CSS-in-JS) ? There are a few downsides while using CSS. Its less-influenced by personal biases and emotions. If youre asking about the latter thats a good question. If you send me a link Ill be happy to take a look. It helps to form spontaneous and consistent changes. Nice post. The columns of a newspaper are used to guide the reader along the layout. Thats not an apples to apples comparison. Using css to layout a site is the most difficult part, but it does come together with a little practice. Also anytime you come across a site with a layout you like copy the source code and when you have time study it to see if you can understand how they did what they did. When I first started learning css I did run into problems making things work cross browser. I have no great love for code. However, the industry moved on from them a long time ago. Justin, apparently I named this post well, since the debate never seems to die. Some of these advantages are: 1. It looks promising and hopefully will be the way forward from now on, getting rid of both the ugly table and div mess once and for all Id be interested to know what you think of it. Its usually one or two things that may cause a problem and those problems are easily fixed. Web Explain the advantages and disadvantage of using stylesheets; Use CSS to create web pages. Im not questioning the benefits of CSS in general. 1. I find it hard to believe that anyone who honestly knows how to develop a site well with both tables and divs would ever choose to use tables. Everything should be able to reflow the way you want with css. It sounds like youre good about keeping your code clean, but more code means more chances for error. Here is the CSS code, so far, through Dreamweaver: Once you specifically set the bottom padding of a paragraph to say 20px, all browsers will give paragraphs a 20px bottom padding. Whatever works to get the job done you know? (Yes, I like clean code too.) Ive been studying the Eric Meyer CSS books, so I am picking up CSS quickly. Its the kind of thing that might move you from #8 to #7, but not from page 5 to the first page. Ive never read about this debate until now, however in the back of my mind I always knew someone(s) was debating it. Youll have more control over how your page displays with divs that can aid in how a screenreader sees your content, but again you can create equally accessible pages using either approach. This is why divs arent superior for layout coz they cant even do what tables do out-of-the-box even with all the complicated different solutions people have invented to try and get close. Just for the entirety of your layout. Artificial intelligence designer salary. I would never develop the site that way, but I know there are people who can. I promise Im not laughing. Im going to remain open minded and give CSS a chance! the ability to do this is what switched me from using the table-based layouts I was first taught. css vs tables WRONG! And that, in my view, should be the only thing that qualifies you to comment on the number of passes the browser makes when rendering a page. If you find yourself needing hacks then most likely you havent thought out your structure all that well. I support reasonable use of tables for backward compatibility. Tables also have distinct dis advantages on mobile devices: You can only squeeze in a small number of columns before the table width causes horizontal scrolling on smaller screens. Ive looked at the page you linked to before and have it bookmarked. Learning to write CSS layouts bucket be tricky, especially if you are usual with using tables, but here's why CSS is your best programming bet. That should tell you something. The example below specifies a solid border for

, and elements: The table above might seem small in some cases. Im not sure who angered you so much, but please dont take it out on me. You can create the same shape in a number of ways. Different browsers rendered the design differently. I really like using CSS for formatting text, lists, positioning, etc. Thanks Kevin. It has nothing to do with other tools. Thats why theres more than one method in the post. I thought my question BTW why css layout over table layout' was clear from the context but apparently not. plays an important role, by using CSS you simply got to specify a repeated style for element once & use it HTML tables impose a more rigid structure on the content than a div. 2. It makes updating global and quicker. When I first learned how to develop a website I learned to build them with tables like so many others. All indications are the speed thing is a minor part of Googles algorithm at the moment. Wish me luck. For me this debate is less css vs tables as it is divs vs tables. I didnt create the overall frame to the conversation. Of course that depends on the developer more than the code itself. Tutorials, references, and examples are constantly reviewed to avoid errors, but we cannot warrant full correctness of all content. Im still a little inexperienced to style the whole design in CSS, though. Most of the sites I create are for small businesses averaging around 10 60 pages. I try making 100% css layouts and they never are cross browser effective, so I resort back to tables and I never have issues. The key is understanding that you dont really have to do as much as you think. I think it makes them easier to move them around on a single page. Ive been told I can create any design feasible with CSS, so I have offered the above URLs as examples you can either confirm or be dubious about relative to their successful conversion to CSS from tables. I still dont know specifically which tutorials you mean, but I dont think Ive written a tutorial that offered the complete code for a website. I agree that CSS is much better in theory, but as long as people use IE and Microsoft refuses to be standards compliant, I dont think CSS for structure is the greatest idea. I also kept all my university textbooks just in case I would need them guess what? any pretty crap i use css on those parts alone. Ive linked to this article in a post as part of a project Im doing on web design styles. These bandwidth savings are substantial figures of insignificant tags that are indistinct from a mess of pages. In addition there are the little seemingly obscure css properties that need to be inserted to make certain things function properly in general, or with older browsers. I design the intital layout in InDesign, then export a pdf, then open the pdf in Photoshop, then slice it into jpeg blocks in Fireworks, then reassemble everything in Dreamweaver, and then use tables to lay it all out. Very informative article and I hope that it gains some traction so people will stop using so many tables for layout. Sure you can say they just need to learn more, but sorry, they didnt. This can be very expensive. Could you send me a link to the page? Here is a link to an article with more detail. However there are other methods to abstract changes that need to be applied to more then one file into a single file. 2. Again I do agree that grid shape is a good one. Im not suggesting its trivial to learn css, but its also not accurate to say the language itself is causing your specific layout issues. Why does it matter how divs are rendered as long as the document written with strong conventions and good semantics? To me, its the most pleasing layout shape. After making the changes we need to confirm the compatibility if they appear. For Row height is select Exactly from the dropdown. Im not suggesting you should never use an html table anywhere. Where layout is concerned though, I think the cons of using tables outweigh the pros and so favor using css. You also keep pointing out how everyone who disagrees needs to keep learning, but if youve ever been in a large production environment, youd realize that this is a complete load of bullshit. If tables confuse you, I think you are a lost soul. Chris your first comment seemed to indicate you preferred tables over css. They arent called floating blockists. A paragraph? Unless you view the source code, it isnt always obvious how a coder puts together a page. This guide helps you choose the right option for optimal performance and data safety. The comics are great. You dont need 3 columns in your header. Order in a document is semantically relevant to the document to begin with. Youre welcome to use them to layout sites if you want. With the 4 methods if its important to a site to support older versions of IE then sure dont choose the method which might not work with those versions. Most of the time when I develop a site its at most a few lines of IE specific css thats needed. I feel like Im at a confessional since most web designers dont do it this way, but my designs image heavy and clients have been very pleased with my work. I have a business subscription with them. The reason people are still defending table based layouts is because tables are the correct SHAPE for most client specifications, not independent blocks floated to the left, or independent blocks with absolute positioning or independent blocks using any other trick to make them seem like they cooperate. They impose a more rigid structure than divs. Conclusion. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. Having done programming I understand reusability of code and the ease of making changes in one place for large websites, but this is little good with small sites. I know there are workarounds. But using tables and styling them completely with CSS is just as effective as CSS alone. WebHere are the top 5 reasons to use Word Styles: 1. If you are a Mac user who recently bought a hard disk, you might be wondering which storage format you should use. Enter css and Ive never looked back. I think much of the reason css vs tables is still debated is the misinformation people on both sides put out there. If someone wants to use tables and it gets the job done then more power to them. It has the power for re-positioning. As for the I dont need any extra code to get stuff to work for ie when using divs and css, really is that so? Specifically, it would take more than one div to create a row cell structure so when you need to display data in that structure its actually exactly the same amount of html whether you use a table or nested divs. I coded up 3 different versions of the same page (divs, tables, tables with table-layout:fixed), and then ran some benchmarks on performance and file sizes. element: Notice that the table in the examples above have double borders. I hope I wasnt coming across as bashing tables. He takes a layout done in tables and works to change it to divs and css. I hope I make it clear, but something tells me many of the people were talking about arent reading the entire post. If anything I think the code would be almost equal and the differences insignificant. With the 4 methods youve got the only that really comes close is the last & it requires more code. Again though you may notice in the post I dont use seo as a reason to use css. Covering popular subjects like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Python, SQL, Java, and Both my table and div layouts use css equally. Nice article. By the way sorry the code in your comment didnt display. The posts arent just about the code, but I do provide the basic html and css I use now for a 3 column layout. You cant break out of the rigid grid easily. IE is a lot more standards compliant than youre giving it credit for. My questions and concerns are genuine and not an effort to get CSS lovers to defend themselves. Most of the time when someone presents code showing the complicated css they needed the problem was their general approach. If you click through on some of the links in the post or just do a search for css vs tables youll come across a lot of the reasoning why some prefer tables. A square peg and a round hole can both be perfect examples of each and yet not work well together. Better Website Speed For a website to function efficiently, it should have a faster load time. Regarding Google using load times, does that mean that if your server is on a lower bandwidth connection, or on a slower server that Google will hold that against you, or do they have a way of disregarding those variables and just base it on how long each page would take to load if bandwidth, lag and server response were constant? So if you feel strong emotions regarding CSS layout, dont respond. Discover the best hard disk format for your Mac! I dont care what anybody says. Taylor Graphics, LLC The best things in life are not necessarily easy or easy to learn. When you ask about table type content with css do you mean using css to show tabular data or are you asking more about how to style tables? Then you can use divs inside your table. Proving that the css layout loads 10ms faster (20ms when I just ran the test on your site) doesnt exactly endorse using tables instead? IMO, performance claims made in the absence of benchmark testing are the definition of hype. Getting back to IE, the 3rd method you used with negative margins comes close but once again special considerations need to be taken with IE for this design, and yeah its not the fault of css but IE, however when the majority of your target audience maybe using this browser its important it works properly hence the use of tables which may result in more ugly looking code unfortunately but it is just one of the requirements until microsoft clean their act up. 2. I could create tables just as fast as anyone with css, if youre not using some noob program like dream weaver. Q&A for work. Maybe Ill apply changes to my test pages as my home page changes and track the time involved. In fact your reply only makes it clear you dont know to build sites using divs and css. Im not going to stop you. Thats easy. At least my code doesnt use tables for the site layout. Tables seem, at least to me, to be much more intuitive. If your visitors are using IE you need to support IE and whether its the code or the browser that gets things wrong is irrelevant. If you ever visited a page that showed nothing for a few seconds before everything suddenly appeared, that time was likely your browser making its first pass over the table structure behind the page. I dont, however agree that the only way to make things work for IE is tables or even that its easier. This argument usually includes the time taken to learn to use divs, which isnt a fair comparison. Its not going to bother me at all. The language allows web developers to regulate various style elements and functionalities, like layout, color, fonts, and therefore the formatting and display of HTML documents. Google is now using load times as a factor for ranking and no matter how fast your site loads if its slower than the next one its going to be perceived as slow. Oddly as grids become more and more in use theyre sometimes developed in a way that attempts to recreate a table using css. I dont want to use tables but Im finding it harder and harder to justify not using them. Again its probably not a huge difference either way at this point. You have to be writing code telling specifically telling them not to reflow. Choosing the right storage format is crucial as it affects your disks Its is also much quicker to use tables, and hey, yeah, once in a while it is nice to be able to glance at your code in a wysywig and actually see what it looks like. users dont give a about codes im all in it for the designs. There are many databases with different data formats to choose for an application. E.g. Well, today a few colleagues of mine got freaked out when they saw me using a table to display data. In modern times, people usually wait for just a couple of seconds for a website to load. WebWhat are the advantages to using tables for layout? You either learn code or you use a 1990s style basic editor where you can assemble a site in minutes with tables that will adjust to a any modern display or device. It helps us to determine the changes within the position of web elements who are there on the page. There is nothing wrong using CSS and Tables. Tables should be used when a bunch of blocks need to depend on each other, like maintain the same height, or to cooperate in filling their parents width. Then there is hours of adjust here, adjust there, view, adjust . Just change the template file. Still its hardly the fault of css that IE has bugs. Ive offered tutorials on the basic layout and Ive offered tutorials on things that can go inside that layout, but never all the code for an entire site. The advantages with using divs are essentially counter to the problems with tables described above. Tables are still very useful for layout given that most sites are still essentially boxes that never move, but adjust in size as needed. As I learned more I stopped having those problems. Funny. If there is a specific tutorial that isnt working for you just let me know which one and Ill be happy to take a look to see if there are any errors. My process doesnt involve spending hours resolving cross-browser compatibility issues by the way. Tables can be part of your layout, but they shouldnt make up the entire layout. Now I barely have to test my layouts in multiple browsers because Ive learned how to keep them consistent across browsers. You might set widths, but text will easily drop to the next line when it reaches whatever width youve set. I did say calling this css vs tables isnt really correct and that its really about tables and divs. Many people are able to build sites using css as a layout and getting them to work cross-browser including IE without any difficulty. Perhaps its a matter of experience, but if you know what youre doing you never need to use any kind of hack. Were not quite there yet with what wed like to do where design is concerned. I just wrote this post a couple months before Matt Cutts mentioned how some at Google were pushing for that to be a factor. Second best would be to have a KNOWN set of definitions for how a browser brand will render a certain statement, then we can generate the css file according to what browser, but thats a work around. My primary UI guy is a CSS ideologue and spends half his time fighting with stylesheets to make it work in every browser. CSS is better in both theory and practice. Each technique has its uses, advantages, and disadvantages, and no technique is designed to be used in isolation. I am in the middle of a major project that we tried to code with proper CSS, but its incredibly frustrating and time consuming. I have nothing against using tables. May be my knowledge, however tables work great! Its only when you dont specify the value that browsers might use different defaults. I have designed the following sample homepage for a client: However, I dont think thats the main reason to choose a css layout over a table-based layout. WebYou can have as many rows as you like in a table; just make sure that the number of cells are the same in each row. I typed along with all the code samples and it helped me a lot. The similar change affects on all the browsers. Sure you can move stuff around easier with divs just in case you need to in the future, but nobody ever does. Any styles defined in the internal and external style sheets are overridden by inline styles. Im glad your process works for you, but that doesnt change my opinion. Likewise I seem to see a lot of likewise ambiguous clamoring about the change that CSS brings with little reason to change. The more professional sites are *usually* built using div/css scripting and now table cells as most sites require absolute positioned content which most sites are not using. There are plenty of easy ways to create equal height columns in css. To compare we really need to look at sites that are well developed on both sites.
: Get certifiedby completinga course today! That leads to easier maintenance, more freedom in design, and quicker load times. @Dave I think were getting squished with the replies to each other so Im starting a new comment. Again DreamWeaver is taking care of this for you. I guess Ive never been convinced of the seo benefits. Its really about 5 -10 minutes work to set up. A-143, 9th Floor, Sovereign Corporate Tower, We use cookies to ensure you have the best browsing experience on our website. If you need to create a modern site that supports an older browser, CSS imposes huge costs. The main advantage of CSS is that style is applied consistently across variety of sites. Sorry I didnt reply sooner John. The web developers need to test for compatibility, running the program across multiple browsers. I hardly ever have to write more than a few lines of code specific to IE. If you develop to standards at most youll need to tweak a few things for Internet Explorer and usually only older versions of IE. Theres no need for a Dont blame the language. If you want to report an error, or if you want to make a suggestion, do not hesitate to send us an e-mail: W3Schools is optimized for learning and training. And server space/bandwidth doesnt seem to be an issue anymore either. Both Fixed and Variable database extents can only be larger than 2 GB when largefiles are enabled with an Enterprise Database license, the OS is enabled for largefiles and user quota/limits allow. Personally, if I could instantly convert a design into HTML, Id do it. I find that if I have to spend more than a 5 hours trying to figure out the combination of CSS statements to achieve the result I want on just one page, and I can do it in a table (a VERY SIMPLE table), in less than 15 minutes, then the dream of CSS has not been achieved yet. By a few I mean less than 5. Advantages of tables (3) Raw data, any type of data. Tables and grids are not the same thing in web development. Im amazed that in 2013 people are still defending table-based layouts, but whatever. Theyre much easier to use now. OK,this is total madness.I have 3 reasons,ready reasons,as to why tables are better than divs.And more,but not on the top of my head. 8.1 Introduction to Style Sheets . WebJavaScript advantages Fast speed: JavaScript is executed on the client side thats why it is very fast. The border-collapse property sets whether the table borders Home. Eric Meyers books are good. When you say things like hand coding is a pain it suggests you havent taken the time to learn css well. search engines are more friendly. There are SOME layouts that to use entirely CSS requires an inordinate amount of extremely messy code to represent. There is no format to follow for teaching the aesthetics of style most people, though, can- recognise something that follows a classical design. but i do straight apps, nothing pretty.. data-driven stuff. Ive been using divs for a decade now and never once had to guess where the content would be. Newspapers have figured out this ideal layout a long time ago, and have thus named their writers columnists. Divs dont require complicated css. Insert css rules to an HTML table anywhere I use css to layout sites if you know what doing! Most youll need to look at sites that are well developed on both sites apparently named! Am picking up css quickly css imposes huge costs than the code in your comment display. For Row height is select Exactly from the dropdown value that browsers might use different defaults, to an! But I know there are plenty of easy ways to create a modern that... Traction so people will stop using so many tables for layout errors but... 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advantages and disadvantages of using a table and css formatting

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