how to tell a priest you love him


He kept us interested in our faith. Alex Kratz, OFM, also came from Berkley and gave me last rites and prayed with my family. Im sure he will bring his own special qualities and ideas that we are eager to embrace. Fr. Of course, the kids love the candy, but the real draw is Fr. With or without Fr. These fine men have provided our family with countless, and I truly mean countless, selfless offerings of love, friendship, guidance and wisdom, all from their hearts, which are full of the Holy Spirit. Aaron says the Mass with such genuine reverence, passion, love, joy and enthusiasm, slowly and deliberately, so we can hear every word, which helps us to appreciate the Mass as the Holy Sacrifice it really is. Michael Zuelch, for coming to our parish, St. Mary in St. Clair. Jim graciously agreed to come out of retirement nearly two years ago from Florida to be our pastor. Lifes leaders like him provide us with the purpose and motivation that we need to be better followers of Christ, neighbors and citizens. We often come to admire and feel close to people we work. As a parish, we will do our best to remember all that Fr. George Charnley, a retired priest, for his continued service to our parish. He always takes notice of who is at Mass, and he has always managed to give me the exactly right word of encouragement at the right time. Fr. Spiritual direction should take place in a room with windows or an open space where others can see what's happening. The woman went first and revealed that she had been cheating on her husband with a male friend of the couple. the Association of Catholic Trade Unionists. He prays that his feelings will stop. 23. A new priest comes into their parish and unilaterally makes decisions that change the culture and community. Ive dubbed him Fr. Greg Rozborski!Margie Lyle St. Pio of Pietrelcina, Roseville. Ed., Hes there when you need him humble, selfless. His theological conversations have deepened the faith of his family. "You see a lot of familiar faces that you've known a long time. All he has to do is ask and we respond. No matter what I am going through, he is always by my side. 6: He makes everyone feel good about themselves. Okeke is the best; you see the love that he has for Jesus Christ and he inspires others to encounter that love as well. Aaron DePeyster became the shepherd to St. Sebastian Parish, Dearborn Heights, in July 2011. Thank you! Our priest, Fr. We have shared vacations, holidays, birthdays and weddings; lively debates about politics and religion; joys, fears and sorrows. This selfish attitude has vanished because each Christmas (and at all Masses), I see a smiling Fr. Dan Trapp as my pastor. Those who have witnessed his ministry are forever grateful that he touched their lives during ordinary as well as extraordinary life experiences. Aaron brought me back to my Catholic faith from a very dark place, and he continues to help me through spiritual guidance. G.M. He was pastor of our church, St. Alfred in Taylor, for just four years. An ordinary priest is not allowed to excommunicate you. He helped us to heal our wounds and to gather together as a new community of love and faith. Fr. Fr. We appreciate the time he takes to visit our classrooms and when he talks to us we feel good about our faith and ourselves. The Altar Society of Henry Ford VillageDearborn. Barbara BechardSt. Alphonsus Church, Dearborn. In times of our happiness, he takes great pride and rejoices with us in the accomplishments of our children and parishioners. When I hear the Sunday Gospel and then his homily, I always take something from it. Ryan is in Mexico now for a six-week period of studying Spanish, one of my favorite memories of him was a funeral he celebrated here. Angelus Ligeti extra special is that they are deeply spiritual Franciscans who run Holy Cross (Hungarian) Parish in Detroit as well as St. Anthony of Padua Hungarian Parish in Windsor, and in addition, they cover a lot of other ground. There are only three Hungarian-speaking priests in the U.S. right now, so these two are called upon frequently to preach and give retreats elsewhere in the country. Your giving reveals who has your heart.". No. We are grateful for the time and patience he devotes to our Catholic Church. The woman will want to make excuses for him and will probably always love him. Going to shout he's coming back for you sometimes it's hard need to understand from each other so walk in the same it will build dividing walls between our And I'll I don't care enable you so take me by the hand gather we will work until he comes there's no foe that can defeat us when we're walking side by side as long as there is love we will Tim is director of priestly vocations, and Fr. We love him because he loves our children and knows how to reach out to the young. He is our priest, and we all love him. We are very grateful for both of them. Stanley Obloj is a great source of inspiration for both of us. Your family, a house that you own, current residence, home of record, car registration, drivers license, area code, etc., could each be in a different state. He has enriched my life and his familys lives. In times of our happiness, he takes great pride and rejoices with us in the accomplishments of our children and parishioners. Dearest Lord, teach me to be generous: teach me to serve You as You deserve: to give and not to count the cost, to fight and not to heed the wounds, to toil and not to seek for rest, to labor and not to ask for reward save that of knowing I am doing your will. Grankowski! Darrell Roman as our pastor. Basil the Great Parish in Eastpointe has the peace, sense of humor, wisdom and positive attitude of someone far beyond his years. He stressed the importance of families holding on to their traditions and values. They already have a commitment and that commitment is to God, his Church, and God's people. He asked me to take Communion to a woman who couldnt get to Mass, and it was such a moving experience for me. As he alks down the aisle after Mass, kids scramble to be on the end of the row so he can give them a fistbump. He practices the spiritual works of mercy by making sure everyone in the clergy does their job, by giving advice to those who need it, and being merciful to others. Here are some easy tips to help you spot a valuable 45 RPM record right away. Greg assigned to us meaning Sacred Heart of Roseville, Our Lady Queen of All Saints of Fraser and St. Athanasius of Roseville to consolidate us into one parish. On May 17, we celebrated our 50th wedding anniversary at St. Barbara with Fr. Its hard to believe another year has come and gone; Father still shows his wisdom and compassion. Mike Verschaeve is a wonderful parish priest. Fr. Okeke is the most joy-filled person I have ever met, and he strives to communicate that joy and Gods love to each of us. My priest at St. Barbara in Dearborn, Fr. We are so happy Fr. We thank you for being an example of perseverance, Fr. Joseph Culotta has been here for seven years now, and if Bishop Baker moves him, Fr. A different time we were part of a group of priests at a two-day program on Church renewal, organized by two local priests who had gone away on studies. The time we spend together is really special to me. His good nature and humor have been a blessing to our parish!Father Ed is the living example of the Good Shepherd in todays world. As a congregation, we also give thanks for anyone celebrating the gift of life for the coming week; we sing Happy Birthday to those who are having a birthday. He is ready to serve you whenever you need him. May our Sweetest Heart of Mary be with you always. I would like to take this opportunity to honor Fr. For his happiness and that he may be well-rested: Pray that your priest is happy and he finds things that give him life . Over 35 years ago at a small parish in Clinton Township named St. Valerie of Ravena, we received a new priest who was energetic, kind, loving and passionate about his faith. Im writing about Fr. Have Realistic Expectations and Be Helpful He knows all our names. He uses his wisdom to teach us and guide us on our path to heaven. Fr. He remains faithful to God by praying. Leo. We would like to acknowledge how blessed and grateful we are to have Fr. He does daily Mass, which is rare anymore. Theodore K. Parker on the extraordinary work he has done to merge two distinct parishes (St. Leo and St. Cecilia) into one whole family. You might not have thought of alcohol as a good gift for your priest, but it's a sure thing. Darrell is a very holy priest, a perfect homilist, has a beautiful singing voice and is very much a people-person. He is a loving and caring priest with a heart of gold. I know that my fiancee Emily, and my mother and aunt, all of Michigan, are so thankful for his blessing as well. I can never have enough of you. Terence Netter and Therese Franzese fell in love in New York City in the 1960s. When Fr. It will be OK., You know that Fr. He help us to be united and teaches how to love each other as God asks us to do; he teaches us how to respect each other without looking at the language we speak, the country we come from or the color of our skin. Despite his incredibly busy schedule as pastor and vicar, he clears time to celebrate the sacrament of reconciliation on a request basis. Once I made a presentation seeking help from the Downtown Businessmens Association, and he was a member of the board. This is what I receive from him. Love your priests and bishops, just as they love you. Lesniak was being assigned to another parish, his parishioners were, and still are, very upset. From the beginning he has always made our family feel as if he had known us for a very long time. You always know youve been to church when you leave with him. Craig. He is a really good one. You Gotta Have Heart, Miles and Miles of Heart? Well, I can tell you that Fr. Greg Rozborski of St. Pio of Pietrelcina Parish in Roseville. Fr. We thank you, Mr. and Mrs. Obloj, for giving us your son. To him the priesthood is a calling from God, not a career choice or 9-5 job. Give him a compliment at a random time of the day. Ed:Fr. His smile lit up the church and you couldnt help feeling energized. Moloney also oversees the Society for the Propagation of the Faith, yet he always has time to care for his flock. James Arwady has taken on his first pastorate as the pastor of St. Christopher Parish, Marysville. It's a particularly poignant element of priestly discernment that most of us don't get to hear. We are getting married in the Church that his extended family belongs to. He is never too rushed to listen, too busy to make time, or too tired to be available. Mary MinnichOur Lady on the River Parish, Marine City. What makes Fr. You're in love with him because he's somewhat "ordered" and a decent human being! His words are meaningful and uplifting and get us through the week, Sunday to Sunday. By remembering and calling us by our names when we interact with him, he makes us feel loved and part of the parish family. So, Father, show the pastor the way. You can't control your neighborhood, the traffic, the weather, or the economy. Bobs advice was very comforting and reassuring. Joseph Esper our priest. Fr. We, at St. Isaac Jogues, are indeed blessed to have Fr. As pastor of two clustered parishes, St. Cunegunda and St. Barbara, he is a very busy priest, but he ALWAYS has time for us to share in our familys happy moments in life or provide us with comfort and strength during lifes darkest moments. As you pray for the priests in your life, here are a few suggestions. I seek to emulate his and the popes everyman approach to life. Fr. Stanley, we thank you for everything you bring to us in your teachings and your wise words. Fr. I wonder what he does with his sex drive. Stans interest in the developing ministry. He visits retirement homes. Edwin W. Balazy appeared on their doorstep, introduced himself and thus began a relationship that has lasted 36 years. A priest functions in persona Christi capitasin the person of Christ, head of the Church. STO LAT!The Parishioners of St. John the Baptist Parish, Dearborn Heights. Second, Jos was a true and sincere seeker of spiritual truth. We have been abundantly blessed to have two amazing priests leading the flock at Holy Cross Hungarian Roman Catholic Church in Detroit, both are Franciscan Friars: our pastor, Fr. In fact, he was at the parish picnic playing waiter serving up the baked potatoes! At the end of the confession, the priest gives to the penitent what is called a "penance," a certain number of prayers to say, or fasting, or the giving of alms, or acts of mortification, or a way of the Cross, or a rosary. He always reminded us to turn to the Lord. It keeps you coming back." Choir member Bruce Goeser, an Epiphany member for 51 years thus far, added an appreciation of the ministry. Carolyn UtterSt. Michael Parish, Livonia. A priest should wear his clergy attire when giving direction to a woman. When this semester is over, I will be a better person for knowing him. I know that it is polite to invite the priest to the wedding. Thomas has been and always will be a special blessing to me. This is one priest who cannot be replaced by his good deeds. Being a man of action, he also teaches us as much by example as by word. One such priest, Fr. For our sons to have this presence of Christ an integral part of their lives has been profound. He will go wherever he is needed, without question. Your Church is continually in need of priests, sisters and brothers to offer themselves in the service. They have more projects not mentioned here, and they are young senior citizens. Stephen Rooney, pastor of Our Lady on the River Parish, and Fr. He started the community dinner to feed the homeless people on Sundays. He said, I am happy because I love God and I know He loves me. And we love him, too, and wish him Gods blessings and a happy birthday. He has taught us not only to believe, but to practice our faith every day. Thank You, Fr. What a time to be alive and a Catholic! The woman, too, has faced struggles. We're glad this was helpful. When Fr. Aaron always makes the time to hear a persons confession whenever they ask him. Zbigniew also has brought two parishes together, not closed them. Most of all, I am deeply appreciative of the fact that Fr. If we want to slide into our pew and be passively entertained for an hour then we do not understand the reality of the Mass. He prays for everyone. Fr. Stanley Obloj is my priest and pastor. 37 views, 5 likes, 0 loves, 3 comments, 0 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from Center Road Church of Christ: Welcome to our Sunday morning worship Our pastor, Fr. Noel is so easy to speak with and makes one feel like he has all the time in the world for the person with whom he is speaking. Three Choices for Priests in Love If a priest falls in love, he has three choices for his future lifestyle: 1) The Celibate Way: Keeping his sexual urges under control and unexpressed. (This might be because he often brings treats to share.) With each assignment he brings a sense of joy, delight, compassion, faith-filled preaching and a welcome sense of humor to his parishioners. Noel has changed the lives of many here at Henry Ford Wyandotte Hospital. He demonstrates these characteristics himself, but admits to not being perfect. Though he was 94 years old, the potential loss of the patriarch of our family was no easier to contemplate. It can get tense when a priest's expectations don't align with those of the lay leadership and parishioners. He guides his flock, watches over us, and is there when one of us calls out for help. 5: He has creative and interesting homilies. He deserves recognition for his sense of humor, and the ability to make his students relax because of his humor. Stanley Obloj. Always Pray for Your Priest We often ask our priests to pray for us, but don't forget how much they need our prayers too, regularly and unstintingly! I am a member of St. Thecla Parish in Clinton Township, but between 2003-10, I worked with Fr. He understood all the questions and concerns that arose along the way and ensured that there were opportunities and forums to address them. Paul Chateau, pastor of Our Mother of Perpetual Help Parish in Oak Park, is an attentive shepherd to his flock. It was an honor to work with both priests and to reinforce their values to each and every couple who wanted to participate in the sacrament of marriage at Holy Cross, St. Catherine and St. Mark churches. Earlier this year, my husband Larry was hospitalized and became very ill and was in the ICU, I approached Fr. , also came from Berkley and gave me last rites and prayed with my family calls for! His familys lives is there when one of us calls out for help characteristics himself, but the draw! Happiness, he is a very dark place, and Fr faith every day thank you for an! 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