z recaster catalogue 2019


Recasts and piracy, in general, is suddenly on the rise across the hobby as a whole, as other manufacturers and independent artists are also starting to take a hit. Famous search engines of Chinese products show easily references of companies like Andrea Miniatures, Nocturna Models, Young Miniatures, Knight Models, and many others. They are very complicated to clean, and with a lot of burrs. So if people in the third world cant pay western prices having recasts means more of a hobby presence that pushes those who value original source into an ongoing if not growing stream of business. So recast companies will push this margin further and further. Recasting can come out of any country, I can think of at least seven countries from which recasters regularly produce illegal copies. If I had to choose between paying my electricity bill or having a dread saurian , its crystal clear. Big mistake to highlight just one country for recasting. Games workshop has an extremely bad ethic towards its pricing, I saw a comparison of two kits, with a near identical amount of plastic used for the construction and both were released in the same time frame and likely designed side by side. The figure in the picture (Nash) Sold 32 uni. But imo GW are flogging its customers for all its worth while things are good. The cheap cost of resin you mention would only be associated with recasters. Check out their full message on their Facebook page. We are saying to watch out for recasts of other artists personal work. There's several recasters that operate based on email, and the subreddit posts reviews of their products. GW also has a massive network of stores. So, no, thats straight up greed, and while morally not as bad as 700% increase on the cost of pharmaceuticals, its the same mindset. Nor is an active and enterprising collaborator of many projects related to our community, contributing with ideas, work on social networks and the Internet. Now lets say in this situation I have a friend who plays WH and hes a recaster, and he can get me that same army for $50. For a better comparison, I have cleaned all the copies of excess resin and plastic. Recast popularity reflects that or they would not keep popping up. GW greed and agressive copyright protection has no sympathy in my hart, not to mention rule changing every year and leaving youngsters out of hobby due to pricing. We exploit our environment by our very nature and capitals need for constant continual acceleration in exploitation was never sustainable to start with. Especially when taken out of context or without a clue of whats going on here Sure there are Chinese recasters, unfortunately I hate to break it to you, but all of the biggest and well known recasts world wide produced here are made by westerners Bummer. It's generally frowned upon. This sort of effect makes even more sense in model games, particularly WH. We cant do anything but have thought experiments because unlike other companies, GW wont discuss the affects of recasting and no one has published any kind of reasonable peer reviewed study. On average every 30 recasts bought is one less miniature to the market. You arent using a recaster, he is using you. The people who are buying the recasts are ruining the hobby for the simple reason they are are robbing the people who bring these sculptures to life for us, without out these creative people this hobby wont survive, so are slowly killing it, why would companies carry on if someone is going to rip them off, a lot of these companies are small industries they can not take the financial hit, they are entitled to make an honest living by buying off the pirates, you are steeling money from the people you admire, else why would you be buying the figure in the first place, no doubt the scum who buy these are the same who dont pay for their music and probably have a stash of rip off DVDs too, stop being cheap skates support the talent or loose it. Copies from recasters, most of the time from China, are at first glance an option to acquire otherwise expensive miniatures at affordable prices. even once all my returns have been replaced by forgeworld the model is still of a lower quality than the recast. The manufacturer isnt benefiting from this situation either. Alecs is really right for all that fantasy models he refers were sculpted by artists and then casted to mass production, usually in metal and made of thick components. You can call people that buy recasts thieves I hope you enjoy your elitist hobby with the few people that can afford to play it. I mean even though its hella shady its much easier to just buy a cheaper version of the model even if its a knockoff. The analogies used are baseless. Its material has still some margin for manipulation, as opposed to the one in the recast copy. These artists work hard. Nice article, only preaching to converted. But what about the giant press they had to design and manufacture. No it is killing the cinema. As a former game store employee I will say this: the amount of players that get discouraged from even trying to enter the hobby because of GWs prices makes me sad (it is a lot). These illegal copies are either found in the second hand market or directly by those looking for a 70% discount or more. I thought he was describing forge world quality there for a second. Despite asking them to send me the fake Venator model, they sent me the normal fake Tauros model, a shorter version than the one I requested. You stole the right to use that miniature in your games, to paint it and to present it to your friends IRL or on social media. As it goes for GW story is different as plastic is better, quality great and models in box sets are not so expensive. Personally I would like to see new players pick it up and have the hobby flourish. I get that its not just the model, the companies have huge overheads prior to selling a model. But if they got a fund together and I am sure there are enough lawyers between hobbyists that can support it pro bono. As Alchemy said, they drive more new hobbyists away by doing it in this and inevitably lose out of profit in the long run. enter the latest monthly giveaway for FREE today! "R" refreshes comments. Soon they will be 3D scanning and 3D printing and mass producing making more profit. Horus Heresy Adds a New Librarian Consul Model! Also, these fake copies come without any instructions (as opposed to, of course, the original Forgeworld copy). Thats despicable. You think they magically pump out miniatures at just the cost of supplies you are an idiot. The first company produces models that are far better sculpts and casts than the second. Without remorse, there was a supplier that recasted the catalog of Games Workshop and Forgeworld reselling it at a ridiculous price. Because there truly is no real money in the miniatures business. Reporting to our Senior Legal Counsel, you will be part of our Legal team which handles a wide range of legal matters which affect Games Workshop including infringements, trade mark and copyright protection, competitions, dispute resolution and litigation, to name but a few! While actual models are 3D printed from a computer file done by a minimun wage payed designer and then casted the most hollow and thin possible to minimize costs and reduce durability. Obviously, as you will see now, the original copy hasvery good quality in every detail. My only experience with recasts were a set of transparent Tau stealth suits which, while everyone agreed were really cool, I was told not to use them. However, by doing so we are ignoring the damage that this does to the industry . @Greg smith : Everyone before me has already said what is correct. So what Jag is saying is if something is more expensive than he wants to pay, he is justified in stealing it. Not the original miniature companies. The elitism of GW is a prime example; They go so far as not allowing official models in their store tourneys, even when a reasonable counts-as. Many other companies offer products as good as theirs or even better for a lower price. I also dont really care that much, GW killed warhammer fantasy so I dont mind if they get whats coming to them. Ah yes, Im so sorry messer, I apologize that the serfs are becoming so uppity as to assume that they might be able to afford some enjoyment in their pitiful lives. At a glance, recasts appear quite similar, but when looked at closely, important flaws become evident. Adding on to what Shane Rozzell have said and more direct. 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Just out of curiosity, what about recasts of long out of print miniatures, or miniatures from defunct companies? I have no remorse whatsoever for GW. Umm. The resin used is crap, brittle, with a lot of detail being lost and probably it is even toxic. Recast companies will be making more profit than the small indies as they dont have any other costs. Box 2225Southern Pines, NC 28387United States of America. This would be paradoxal. as you seem to be proud of the fact you steal form these companies. It is our mission to bring you the latest from the miniature wargaming scene, from narrative missions, hobby how-to tutorials, battle reports, unboxings and reviews, retro flashbacks, news, rumors, and more. Maybe it will work for them but I think they are pushing away many potential newcomers to the hobby which is the future. How Imperial Agents Work in 10th Edition & Free Arbites Rules! Virginia Restless, Miniature Painter & Cat Dad. We pay so that the company we like so much is able to surpriseus again in the future with yet another piece to continue enjoying our hobby. It is very bad quality, hard plastic etc. Lets say I want a cheap 1k starting army, but Im a college kid who cant justify the outrageous cost ($250 minimum, plus the hobby equipment and paint for at least $300 min). Hell, 5 years ago they were barely with 10 dollars a share. or have you forgotten about the atrocious quality that was Citadel Finecast, here despite the shit quality we still saw an increase in price. [] a subject which rears its head quite regularly. We see three key points to avoid these false copies: And if after reading this article you want to do something positive about this, its quite easy actually. And what about the companies (from small to big) that produce miniatures based on comics/movies/books/games/characters/ without paying for a license? Appealing to modelers if futile in my opinion, there is not enough power in that argument to change buying habits. hell do they even pay their staff a decent wage. As expected, the pieces to assemble are the same as the original. As a result, everyone is losing I, the Chinese, Games Workshop. Their prices are so small that nobody in the world could copy their figurines. Exactly so. @ Greg Smith: That attitude is killing the hobby. Manage Settings If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. You know what happens? The surfaces are very rough, have lots of pores and bubbles, there are important burr steps or details covered by extra resin. A check of their website shows that it is indeed down, and from the looks of it not coming back. Those are the nice guys who brought us age of sigmar, which made great armys obsolete and huge investmenst of time and money into them void. That does not mean I only buy from a recast seller , but expensive and big models worth of the discount . Of course, cheaper things are always more attractive, but it comes back to the principle of supporting your local business. As Infringements Assistant, you will assist with all things relating to infringements. We just make claims. Someone mentioned looked at Rackham games as if recasts are why they went out of business. The resin *can* be toxic, but buying from larger recasters is safe. However, basically its the same piece, without any add-ons, so it works to do the comparison. I perfectly understood is time wasted, but something in me hope you understood the type of scum you and your friend are. Not me. Enjoy the hobby, dislike the business practices. I have no problem doing a massive company like GW out of 40 quid. Shall I summon the serf dedicated to worshiping the shavings from your glorious toenails, milord? Games workshop not only wants lots of money for its live figures (5 euros for guardsman from krieg !, more than for metal ones!). Its very easy to make an illegal copy of a miniature, especially if the country where its made has bad labour policies. For the good health of our hobby. I will always buy the original product when I can, but Im also going to buy high quality recasts for models that I need multiples of. A quick check of eBay appeared to turn up way fewer listings for Forge World than last week at this time. GWs greed and extortionate prices. We are talking about recasts: illegal copies of miniatures. And we wouldnt want you to go through that. There was a study by the EU relating to video games that piracy helped games sell better. Save Money On All These Alternative Miniatures. I would say though that what you talk about is a different topic to what we are discussing in this post. The vast, vast majority of the models I buy are genuine GW products, but there gets a point where Im not going to spend 30 for each and every additional model in an army, which become often unusable in game as rules get re-released with almost each passing year. Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. And I firmly put the blame into the hands of piracy aka stealing. Youre not automatically entitled to them. How can anyone claim the second company is not greedy, and yes the second company gets targeted by pirates and the first doesnt. 1. Its even happened with the newer hobbit resin models that are supposedly of better quality (its nowhere near forgeworld quality). If you dont have the money to afford models, dont buy them. If we demand fairer prices and go outside their control, it is because they are not catering to the majority of their customers. Sure, theyre making each box manually. Its inevitable anyways in the next 5 years with 3D printing. Right now, a few companies simply stopped selling to Russia as their figures instantly get listed on pirated stores. Spain (for example) has been famous for doing this for a while. Check out Yoyhammer. Not the original miniature companies.. why is it that if I spend 70 on a primarch from forgeworld, I have to send at least 3 or 4 of those parts back to be exchanged because of mould slips or just general terrible casting and I will likely have to return one of the replacements they send me too. I wonder If anybody writing that ever have ever hold Forge World model. No? This had to be done because it was nearly impossible to identify many of the pieces that came attached to large blobs of resin. From the beginning thought of a new model in their head to putting it on paper, and into real life. In addition to this, the flat parts are not flat by any (ANY) means. Now we have to spend 40 on a family trip to the cinema. See our, and recently hired an infringements assistant. Ok fair enough, our companies are small and action costs. Did you complain about the Starbucks/Amazons/other tax dodgers? Not because GW has a better product, but because GW will sue the crap out of anyone who makes a model that looks similar to a GW model. Do they, as a British company, utilize only products designed, produced, and bought within British home-island territory? Whats the actual law being broken when trading for a recast model? Do they source their injection molds from Australian materials and Mexican labor? Copyright 2009-2023. Im having to search now forgeworld has stop so many horus heresy models. Detail is not lost when buying from larger recasters. produce in the country you sell in and not in china.. then we can talk until then you get what you deserve! Ive never bought from a recaster, but I know many who do. I bet you steal music and movies. Also several Rackham miniatures. You stole it. You retard, that was already included in the measurement. If you plan on punishing players (and I mean PUNISH them) when you compare what you offer for what other reasonable vendors offer, you find re-castes are a result of your own actions. But if we want to talk about greed; innefficient capital structures like the massive litigious company games workshop has become cant talk and the average human animal forced into a capitalistic system also cant be blamed. Their pricing model hurts the growth of the hobby, it doesnt promote it. during the month, more than 5 times the quantity that me (the creator, designer and fighter) sold the same month. We pay for quality in finishes and materials, and the most important ofall: Its nice to see such mature topics being treated with depth. And its not Hollywood that is getting killed. I now rely on trade forums to find slightly reasonably priced models. What about sculptors that, due to their skill got pay really good money, what about shopfloor operatives, what about other staff, customer service bills etc. GW rant incoming: I agree with buying recasts only when it is GW. It leaked that it costs Games Workshop about $5-$7 per a box of Marine Tac squad. Now, companies like Games Workshop are a ethical grey-area for myself, because their business practices/efforts are not in consideration of the gamer (in my opinion). Greg Smith, omg, really ? CCoN has lower inventory variety and higher cost, but he's cheapest when he has a sale and it's really good quality. Manufacturer SCALE 75 minis, have put their foot down and advocated an anti-piracy message into the hobby world. Recasters mates, I got a leviathan dreadnought for 40 NZD, Here I was just about to order a god damn Storm Hawk and their page gets ----ing annihilated, Rip, they should be back up in a couple of days. They should be 30% of that and maybe nobody would copy that. They tried to grow way too fast and their main game had waaay to many units and thus huge costs to cover it. Just saying, this argument is fail. With Z, the above linked infantry squad is $16. The one kit, the producers knew was a more elite unit and that people were likely to buy one or two of at most, the other a basic infantry squad and that people were more likely to need a decent handful of. Look at Rackham from 10 years ago. They spend hundreds of thousands of dollars creating their cast presses for the units. You give that profit to someone that doesnt pay tax in this country. I dont buy recasts, and I dont buy from companies that charge more than I think is reasonable. Back in 2018, we saw a similar scene as well: So it appears after raising their prices on Forge World overnight by 20%, or more in some cases, Games Workshop may have started to go after Warhammer recaster companies located in China directly this holiday season. I have a motto I live by it.regarding others if you lie,you can cheat,cheat you can steal, steal you can.lets just say theres many cases of some folks needing something bad ,dont have the money and try and steal for itthings escalate and then murder becomes involved. Yes. Its about supporting companies that support your interests by creating models and figures you enjoy. A quick check of eBay appeared to turn up way fewer listings for "Forge World" than last week at this time. #22 to #20 - manollette . Back to the content 'Desu Korps of Kreig'. You say illegal a lot. Lets look at Netflix, people didnt think streaming would have as big of an effect as it did as before that everyone blamed everything on pirating. There was a demand so the pirates appeared they sell cheaper and often better quality. Finally, are you sure you arent a recaster? There was something about those little-colored blocks that started it all Twitter @catdaddymbg, Get ad-free access to our hobby videos, a monthly crate of miniatures, and support some of the best creators out there for as little as, If you buy something from a link on our site, we may earn a commision. @Greg. Recasters are selling multitudes of more models than the actual creator. The 9th Edition of 40k is going to be open and crowd sourced by the players, for the players, for the betterment of the game instead of lining GWs pockets. Try again. Many RPG fans turn a blind eye to PDFs from defunct publishers, but studiously pay for legitimate PDFs from current publishers seeing the former as preserving the history of the hobby. As in Id pay the IP holder for this if a legit copy was available, but since the company is gone/author is dead/etc. It is our aim to be an inclusive and wholesome place for all. But some of our niche names might disappear over night. 2K. 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z recaster catalogue 2019

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