saturn conjunct ascendant appearance


When you eventually realized that your efforts were fruitless, you retreated into yourself. Be OK with everything that happens, even if it feels bad. Venus conjunct or in close aspect to the ascendant or its Lord enhances appearance, giving elegance. A possible difficulty with this placement is inactivity. Saturn and Asc are in late Gemini. Sun conjunct Ascendant is the transit that occurs when the Sun and the Ascendant or rising sign are aligned in the same degree, either 0 or 30. Remember that its OK with Saturn opposition Ascendant to have difficult relationships. Saturn is conjunct Uranus. You might be a tad judgmental and see others as right or wrong, the world as black or white. Without looking at your chart I cannot say for sure, because it also depends on the aspects. The person sees life as a game to win, and if the Sun is located in a fiery sign, the natives drive and energy are even more heightened. You'll need some social contact, especially with steadfast family and friends, to keep your spirits up and stop you from taking yourself and your ponderous thoughts too seriously. Any thoughts on having it paired with Pluto in the first? You tend to inspire people and have the ability to stand on your own feet. No confidence /belief in myself. Saturn is the taskmaster planet in astrology. Go to: 2nd house - 3rd house - 4th house - 5th house - 6th house - 7th house - 8th house - 9th house - 10th house - 11th house - 12th house Most people only look at their sun sign, but actually, your ascendant is very important to understand as well. Remember to let your inner child out sometimes! We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. Saturn dominant personalities are often socially anxious and feel that they are not worthy enough. In the birth chart, Saturn shows where you have life lessons to learn. A Cancer rising may need to exert more focus into their home, security and loved ones or feel the need to isolate . They are usually way ahead of others in thinking because their ability to think is very quick. On the opposite end of the axis is the Descendant- which indicates what we are subconsciously attracted to in partnerships . Your status in society is likely intimately tied to your appearance and identity. It represents the head and face of man and injuries that might be done to those areas or marks located in those places. Josef Kabrhel contact info: Phone number: +420 571448590 Website: What does Josef Kabrhel do? Saturn is a significant and sometimes deeply spiritual influence in the horoscope. In this scenario, you attract lovers who are more immature or even physically young. If they promise themselves or others something, they will do it. The native is benevolent, and this beautiful quality attracts many people to him or her. So, for example, instead of seeing the whole picture, they will focus on some small thing they consider unattractive in their appearance. For instance, I am buying myself jewellery, something I have never done before. I am really looking forward to writing on this. However, this doesnt work in the long run. The house the ruler of the 8th falls into in one's natal chart can be the area or sector of life in which a person may potentially die. If the natives environment doesnt stimulate him, he is likely to want to change surroundings for more variety. Sophie and Marcelo, i think it will be similar but more focused on relationships. by ASTROFIX 39 people love it! Your email address will not be published. Good aspects to the planets Venus and Jupiter further increase his warm personality and magnetism. This is because you dont feel that you have the capability to be responsible foe your own life, so you attract people who will take over the role of controlling you and your life. Over time, you will start to relax and learn these lessons naturally. saturn conjunct ascendant -this aspect tends to manifest as a person who is perhaps more shy, reserved or even conservative; this is because saturn is the planet of limitation, restriction etc while the ascendant represents a persons identity and how they come across to others Saturn conjunct Ascendant can also mean that your parents placed a lot of responsibility on you from a young age, although this isnt always the case. Also, for those who are overly influenced by the Moon, its important to emotionally mature and not make decisions based on emotional highs or lows; because seeing life through those emotions doesnt allow them to see the way it really is. Oh, please do Jamie! Should I read it as the complete opposite of your interpretation? I have so many planets, Im not really sure how to read them all together? They find it hard to hide their emotions. Thats because a disagreeing sign can quite neutralize the planet, whilst an agreeing sign can make it more powerful. here you areyouve stumbled across it yourself and taken to it like a duck to water! You are likely to go by your feeling and intuition rather than by your thought. In my chart, for example, I have the ruler of the 8th house . You're an enigma, and people are fascinated by you. Your natural enthusiasm was tempered with rules and limitations; you had to hide the truest parts of yourself. An ascendant is its starting point, which concerns your appearance, health, and vitality. Behavior: Uranus in the first house makes a person individualistic and rebellious against established institutions. (Keep in mind that Mercury takes on the qualities of planets close to it.). Nevertheless, even if they get injured, they tend to heal very fast. Jupiter also gifts a great ability to recover from disease, great vitality, and usually a long life. Gauntness. You'll need that space to think, and perhaps you'd do well to reserve a special time during the day to study and reflect on your life. If Venus is positively aspected, it makes you kind-hearted and able to get along with all sorts of people. It gives good health, a ruddy complexion, often blond hair, and the tendency of hair loss in later years. You will start to notice that you feel a sense of guilt foryourself when you do too much for others. You may have many responsibilities in your personal and professional life, but someone has to do it. They in general should guard against injuries of all sorts due to Marss influence towards rashness and high self-confidence. Some measure of your desire to withdraw can be useful now, though. What does the Saturn dominant appearance look like? With Saturn conjunct Ascendant, its really important that you actively deal with your problems instead of avoiding them. In fact, your appearance can be karmic, so youre always struggling against it. Often, however, this ability is used for evil if Mercury is afflicted. You have to take responsibility every step of the way. Saturn is the planet of time in astrology. Mars makes him open, honest, and intuitive. With such a placement you should choose friends wisely as you tend to take on their qualities. Appearance: Sun in the first house gives a large, strong, tall, and well-proportioned body; a round and large forehead, large, piercing eyes. You have a strong will and you are willing to work hard for what you want. The most prominent feature of Saturn is its ring. Then you should look at the sign of the Ascendant and then Google that sign + ascendant (e.g., Capricorn Ascendant) and you will get some results of appearance and behavior belonging to the sign. Umm so basically my moon and pluto are conjunct together in my first house. A bad Uranian could, like Saturnian, be mean for no valid reason (Uranus is the father of Saturn in Greek mythology). A native tends to quickly recover from illnesses and accidents, even when his Sun isnt well aspected. Transiting Uranus is also conjunct natal Asc so lack of sleep might also be that and it certainly triggered a fear of sudden nasty surprises. But here, I should only note that when it comes to Mercury, its greatly influenced by any other planet near it, to the point that it takes the other planets qualities completely. Ultimately, you need to learn how to be more vulnerable with people. I have an aquarius ascendant conjunct neptune. The Saturn square Ascendant aspect is themost tough before your first Saturn return. It is time to go on the defensive and protect the gains you have made in recent years. People tend to want to follow such leaders because they perceive light in them. Their lives usually have sudden and extreme changes that can be positive or negative. We have all the ten planets somewhere in our charts. Conjunct the ascendant, it produces red hair and often a mole or scar on the face. To calculate the ascendant, the MC, and the house cusps, you need your exact birth time. In this scenario, you learned that other peoples issueswere your problems. You don't have to look into a mirror to see yourself, and understanding what you project allows you any touchups or even makeovers you choose. She could have been restricted in some way by her parents. In general, natives with the Moon in the first house will tend to have a strong relationship with their mothers and have may some of their characteristics. I know Saturn square Mars is a big one, but I didn't think it enough to explain an immediate dislike that I feel. In general, it causes long arms, fingers, and hands. The key to healing Saturn opposition Ascendant is to learn how to accept others for who they are whilealso accepting your shadow self and setting clear boundaries. Your email address will not be published. If Saturn is conjunct your ascendant, the ascendant will absorb the Saturnian energy to the extent where it sometimes seems like you were a Capricorn rising. (Meanwhile, Im still sitting here stuck Im no good at getting myself into a position of self employment. You like making new friends, but you also feel the need to meet the expectations of others which might make it difficult for you to accept who you really are. Therefore, planets located in the first house alter the classic appearance that each zodiac sign gifts. You learn the value of hard work early on in life, and you know the importance of keeping on even when the situation seems hopeless. You love engagements that keep your mind active. You may come across as especially solemn or austere and repress some of the emotions that you feel inside. Likewise, you could be trying to fulfill someone else's idea of what role you should play in society. (At one point I was even considering discarding my large collection of astrology books! Bony. The native tends to be cautious in almost everything that she does. This makes you cranky and melancholic. The Ascendant, also known as the rising sign, is the zodiac sign that was rising on the eastern horizon at the time of an individual's birth. Loneliness, pessimism and depression can be avoided by not leaving things to the last minute. Saturn rules the past, karma, where you made mistakes and what you did right in the past. Saturn Opposite Ascendant (Conjunct Descendant) You might feel burdened by life's decisions and duties. They make drastic changes in their personal lives, to do with the self or the change in location. He is fearless, with energy reserves impossible to fully use up, straightforward, and independent. I was involved with a Cap who had Saturn conjunct Asc. This planet can make you shy and feel awkward on the inside. For example, if Neptune squares or opposes Venus, the person might choose the wrong partners in life and will tend to idealize them/not see them for who they really are. It can give a high forehead, large eyes, as well as the tendency of baldness in later age in men. They . What mostly happens is that they just complain about their perceived unattractive qualities. Emotional ups and downs will be considerably reduced if the Moon in the first house in astrology is located in a fixed sign (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, or Aquarius). As Venus, the planets of art and beauty, comes in conjunction with Saturn, the saturnine planet of restriction, a collision of art of brutality come together which leads Andy to create art that others may find a bit too . One important rule for this is "when the planet sits in its own Rashi in the seventh house then it is going to produce the beautiful results. If Saturn in 1st house gets afflicted then chances of separation are there or early death of spouse might happen. Oppositions, squares, quincunxes indicate challenge and friction, while the positive aspects, the trines and sextiles suggest an easy flow of energy. Sharp, strong jawline and strong, symmetrical chin. The first . In general, they should strive to control their aggressiveness because if they allow it to have its way, it can destroy their health as well as cause problems for other people. . Thank you every day for your great work! For Saturn to influence what you look like, it has to be in aspect to the ascendant. Their looks reflect this, too. Opening doors to secret places with just a look. With such a Sun placement, its very important for you to express yourself. Discover the key to your unique life path & personality. You are likely to study many subjects so that you are considered knowledgeable and admired by others. Venus Conjunction Saturn: Andy is known for his rough, edgy persona and it shows in his music. In fact, loneliness or pessimism, resulting in depression, is common with Saturn conjunct Ascendant. The funny thing is, that when I first came across your videos , you were going through your Christian phase. I enjoyed this so much! You process information and learn new things quicker than most people. It is your responsibility to look after your family or tribe. In astrology, Saturn represents the wisdom of age, after all. To neutralize Saturn, try not to act on Saturdays too much, especially not do the important things, and also try not to activate numbers 4 and 8 in your life. They will attract with their happiness many people into their lives. Dont do a task just because you feel like you should.. You like to stand out from the crowd. You can also search for multiple aspects in a chart at a time by using the Advanced Search. You can also fulfill this need for exploration by delving into the mysteries of the universe or uncovering occult secrets. Usually, people with a dominant Saturn prefer wearing simple, natural materials and not too harsh colors. You must learn how to do whats good foryou, not what other people want you to do. What does it mean to be a Saturn dominant person, according to astrology? If Saturn is in contact with several personal points in the birth chart (you will see in a minute which are these) or if it is in a prominent position, it is one of your dominant planets. What if someone has no planets in their first house? I HAVE BEEN SET FREE BY RESTRAINT! People will come to you for advice because you will be an authority in your chosen field. If you put things off, simple problems or tasks can become more challenging. If its Libra, it gifts a beautiful appearance. Difficulty Trusting Others. You intuitively understand that to get results, you need to put in a lot of work. I can certainly say that feeling like having to deal with delays &restrictions ( with real evidence! Sometimes such individuals can even choose to have plastic surgery done to correct a perceived fault, but that isnt usually the case. . People can feel an air of nobility around her. Its tough to find very bad Jupiterians, but afflicted Jupiter may make one a spendthrift. Saturn in Astrology is our limitation in life. The Saturn trine Ascendant aspect is one of the more difficult trine aspects. Sometimes, you can even be a bit hard to get to know, because youre not the best at small talk. Behavior: Venus in the first house makes you charming, beautiful, and friendly. Yet, you are immensely committed to your life path. But Pluto in Capricorn will give a less intense personality due to the cold and calculating nature of the sign. They are psychic and can understand others without talking to them. No one knows this better than people who have this planet strong in their birth charts. As the ruling planet of Capricorn, Saturn has a lot to do with ambition and professional drive. It's important to define who you are and how you'll proceed on your own terms. So, for example, a person might be very beautiful but will perceive himself as unattractive. People think you to be mysterious. Im going to contact you in the next couple weeks for an indepth chart reading! These are things that you need to actively work to improve so that you can eventually lead a happier, more peaceful life. Best wishes to you Simona! Dont lose hope! With a Saturn dominant planet in the natal chart, you reflect the qualities of Saturn to a great extent. The more you have of them, the stronger the influence of Saturn in your birth chart. He is in his own league. The quality of the last years of a persons life can be seen by assessing the fourth house, whilst the way that one will die the Eighth. For entertainment purposes only However, do not withdraw too far and isolate yourself. A bad mercurial person is a classic long-fingered thief, especially if Mercury is badly aspected by Mars. The more things you leave outstanding, the more you will worry. Strangely enough, though, Im not miserable. I really admire you! In this case,, pay special attention to its house, sign, and aspects. Jupiter also gives you the ability to fully support yourself financially and in other ways. You feel you must be the serious one and do the hard work. Natives with Mars in the first house should take care not to injure their head and face. Your moral character is firm and you can overcome obstacles by determination. Over the years, you develop stamina and usually the second part of your life is better. For example, if you have Mercury located in the first half of the House, you will be one of those people who can look very different every day. In the end you grew out of Christianity, and this helped me to free myself not long after. Or you might move through life with a heavy heart and a chip on your shoulder. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Captivating. These planets have a bigger influence over your personality as a whole. That doesnt mean that everyone is privy to your inner thoughts as you keep those very guarded, but they can see these outer elements of your personality. Their explosive intensity manifests either positively or negatively. Responsibility is the main keyword for this aspect. Your disposition and your style are both sunny and happy. Your main goal is to acquire personal power and you can employ various departments of life to achieve this goal, such as love, beauty, or career. Appearance: if Jupiter has no afflictions in the first house, it can give the body thats plumper, a beautiful complexion, oval or long visage. Maybe I need to swap places with you and learn meditation . This is truly amazing to me Simona! You are likely to be sensual and have some artistic talent. I instantly nodded (in awe) to your more focused on relationships. Dont lose your sense of play. A. This aspect will force you into difficult relationships with people who teach you these lessons. TEA & ROSEMARY LLC, Crow Symbolism: Spiritual Meaning Of The Crow, 6 Effective Studying Spells For Exams, Class, & Enhanced Focus. It may gift a long nose and beautiful eyes. She is often shy and prefers stability over excitement. You either had intensely strict rules, physical or verbal abuse, or you were emotionally scarred by rules at your school. Neptune can also make a person blind to his or her negative qualities and in general, if Neptune is in a bad aspect to some planet, thats where the person will not be able to assess things correctly. The crop must be brought in, and the drawbridge must be closed. You don't reach out to people, you wait for people to be drawn to you. Unlike the trine, these qualities didnt come naturally to you with the sextile. That's positive!" "As painful as this is, it's introducing you to reality. For example, Pluto in Scorpio in the first house will give a really intense, deep, complex, and magnetic personality. The transit of Saturn conjunct your natal Sun brings the full results of a process that began fourteen years ago. Saturn conjunct ascendant suggests that you are insecure about your body, especially when young. If you dont identify with them as a part of you, you probably experience the Saturnian influence from the world around you. Thus, a pure Mercury influence can be fully felt only if it stands 7 to 12 degrees away from other planets (degrees depending on each planet, as all of them have a different orb size). This is because by dressing this way you want to show that you stand against fashion and stereotypes. Because if its close to other planets, then it will burn them; which means that the influence of that planet will weaken. P.S. The Moon changes signs every two and a half days. A Saturn dominant personality is able to deal with a lot of hardships. This will also allow them to understand and feel the boundaries of their personalities and to understand who they are much more than by being surrounded and attuned to the people around them. Currently in bed, having an early night. He is as unique as the Sun and dislikes following other people or trends of any sort. There is no quick-fix for Saturn problems. Saturn sextile Ascendant makes you someone truly respectable as an adult. Sometimes they may destroy people with that intensity, so they should be aware of that and be easy on others. Entertaining read for new and experienced astrologers alike. Behavior: firstly, its important to note that having Sun in the first house is a very positive thing unless it is in close proximity to other planets. Indeed, I hold out a (perhaps unreasonable) hope that my life will improve. really dark hair, really dark eyes, "husky . Sometimes, this placement reflects a combination of all three circumstances. Thank you for sharing this about you, Donovan. However, you are cautious and prefer to assess everything before you finally make a move. Saturn stays in the same sign for 2.5 years, it has an orbital period of approximately 29 years. View all posts by Elsa Let's be honest, Saturn is a pain in the ass. Over time, you will figure out how to show more of your inner self and take social risks. You may take interest in the occult, science, and technology. All these qualities are strongly related to Saturn in astrology. Behavior: Natives will have very strong will power, and if they desire something, they would do everything it takes to get it. Whatever your rhythm when this hits, it's thrown out of whack and you like it. It will help to break through if she lowers her expectations about herself and others, because they are likely to be unattainable. You will discover who you are underneath by working through your issues in partnerships and friendships. However, you need to learn how to let down your walls and go with the flow. While its true that Saturn is strict, it doesnt necessary have to be what people consider bad. Artistic talent retreated into yourself the second part of your desire to withdraw can be karmic, so they be! What if someone has no planets in their personal lives, to do with the self or change... The sign I have so many planets, Im still sitting here stuck Im good... Of hardships an enigma, and independent were emotionally scarred by rules at your.... Anyway.. now here you areyouve stumbled across it yourself and taken it. 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saturn conjunct ascendant appearance

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