pso2 timed ability crafting guide


As such this doesnt see much use except for very, very specific scenarios that over 99% of players will not see themselves in. Sorry airoh, I just needed to find someone to use as an example. [Quest] EX Works only in that extreme quest. Support Item 1 can be used for Main Effect (Fixed) which will guarantee the Probable Main Effect for the day. The same goes for PA fragments. With that said, its pretty clear what most people are looking for when it comes to Timed Abilities. If you have TEC up for order, and someone wants MEL and requests with the 3 TEC still up, you will need to refuse the requests, put up the MEL Data Drives, and tell them to request again. It applies to the Urgent Quests for Elder, Luther, Corrupted Mothership, and Profound Darkness. When trying to update the Data drive youll get a screen like this: BEFORE CONTINUING MAKE SURE YOU HAVE ANY CURRENTLY ACTIVE DATA SAVED THAT YOU DONT WANT TO LOSE! Unlocks the other version of the technique at level 2. Certain achievements will also unlock more recipes for you to craft. There might be some crafting quests at Zig that don't unlock until you hit a certain level? Element Customization 3: Unlocks 3 missing techs at level 1 (31 lvl 1 crafts), Element Customization 4: Unlocks same techs as previous at level 2 (10 lvl 2 crafts), Element Customization 6: Unlocks no prefix, gi-, and ra- techs at level 3 (50 lvl 2 crafts), Element Customization 7: Unlocks remaining techs at level 3 (50 lvl 3 crafts), Specific Tech Customization 1: Unlocks other level 1 version of a tech (5 lvl 1 crafts), Specific Tech Customization 2: Unlocks other level 2 version of a tech (10 lvl 2 crafts), Specific Tech Customization 3: Unlocks other level 3 version of a tech (15 lvl 3 crafts), Element Customization 3: 31 level 1 crafts, Element Customization 4: 10 level 2 crafts, Element Customization 6: 50 level 2 crafts, Element Customization 7: 50 level 3 crafts, Leave a request and a message on my room board for what attack type you need, Whisper by searching my Player ID name and clicking send whisper (note that this doesnt tell you if the player is offline however), Type of Craft (1 machine allowed per type), Type of Machine (you can only have 1 of the 2 for a craft type). I've stockpiled enough now that the only thing holding me back in customising techniques is the cooldown time on each production line and the need to work on Timed Abilities so I can be ready for PSO2 day next week. First 2 numbers are chapter and second two are subsection. . Thank you, i'll add some information in later this week. The installations only apply while in the specific Area you have crafted the data disk for. PSO2 Comprehensive Resource List This game can be really confusing and without a lot of outside help, you may be missing out on something you didn't even know existed. . Even worse is the bonus effects such as Randomly negate tech damage arent very clear in their chances as well. Timed Ability Achievements Information By doing crafts, you will unlock achievements that will go towards your crafting level. [Area] ARKS Only works in ARKS Quests of that area. Hey buddy, I threw together a quick page on what abilities are available and how they apply. This also results in a new way to farm Personal Quarter visits for those rankings (no more of this VISIT MY ROOM PLEASE begging!). More drop locations for the above will show up over time, including one of the best quests for leveling new characters in general. When crafting a timed ability, the main effect that is crafted is entirely random, however, every day there will be one specific main effect that has a higher chance of being crafted according to a fixed schedule. I really doubt it. For the last crafting system, Timed Abilities, this is the most minor of them all. PSO2 Crafting Guide. The total to reach this is 1,135 technique fragments + 1,505,000 meseta, with 141 crafts being done. That said, even just using +10% will improve your average roll so as long as its not overly expensive, you might as well use them unless youre just trying to level your crafting. You can only get Lv1 abilities for it, since it's neither a Free Quest nor an Arks Quest, but every little bit helps (especially Rare Drop Rate boosts). And for people who are wondering, yes, the Area-Wide All Ruins installations apply to the current limited time quest, Boundary-Tearing Silver Steel Blade. It will change when it is 23:00 where I live. **So ideally you should look for damage for your specific stat, and also EXP bonuses. This really is not recommended to be bought unless you seriously know what youre getting into. Many crafts for certain planets will require Crystals from said planet, which should randomly drop from locations on that planet, such as Expeditions, Advance Quests, Ultimate Quests, and Urgent Quests. It doesn't matter whether or not it's in Equipment, Technique or Timed Ability, but they won't add up. Screenshot is from JP server. None of this even gets into the amount of cooldown timer that youll have either. Apparently theres hidden item levels in the game. Some of these item names are pending on NA. Timed abilities give three different bonuses to your units: a Main Effect, a Sub Effect, and an Additional Effect. IT SEEMS THEY DIDNT INCLUDE THE CRAFTING SHOP AT ALL?? A great success can either give you a maxed sub effect, a bonus effect, or both. [Area] Exploration Only works in Expeditions of that area. Same deal as the PA customization removal: 4 excubes to remove. Again similar to PAs, this will only remove the bonuses that the craft was adding on to the technique. That wouldn't be so bad, but because PSO2 is free-to-play, so certain things like resetting your skill tree cost money. That said, even shitty crafts can be upgrades over the base versions of the techniques until the higher level ones become available. Profound Darkness is currently dropping units that can be best in slot for a very, very long time (Ofze- series, arm + rear combined, need both for set effect). It shouldnt really be relevant until Phantom subclass. Welcome to EP4! Grant a chance to restore 33% HP at the start of an Emergency Trial. The next three lines require an active Premium Pack. This menu lists the crafted data drive's effects and stats. Pso2 crafting pa guide Phantasy Star Online 2's crafting system allows you to overwrite the stats of units, and modify the stats & behavior of Technics and Photon Arts. This allows you to desynthesize things for materials to sell for those that are crafting, and so it adds new markets for everyone to participate in. These are called Custom Type 1 +x% and Custom Type 2 +x% where x is a number. So if you are a new player who is low level, crafting a type-0 for your PAs is still something you can do and you probably want to as well. Certain listings have variance REPORTEDLY, this is because it depends on where you found the item. Same as the above, and same deal. These come in 10s, 20s, 30s, and more! In some cases the projectiles will have higher speed or better tracking but that isnt the same level of change as the majority of the Type-0 Photon Art crafts. Please be aware thatcrafting a new data drive Timed Abilities have their own slot entirely. It just means you had a timed ability on it, and that timed ability ran out. Were gonna make a rear. Each technique consumes a certain amount of Photon Points (PP) per use. Visual example as people were having trouble finding this while requesting. It will remain empty. However, you can only have one or the other as a boost for a crafting type. THIS DOES NOT GUARANTEE THE MAIN EFFECT HOWEVER UNLESS YOURE USING CERTAIN ITEMS. Critical hits are the maximum amount of damage an attack can deal before multipliers are calculated due to damage variance placing your damage dealt per attack between 95-100% (average 3%). Also, by saying Ive taken the liberty to find these, I mean Aida Enna did all the hard work of getting them from the files, bless her heart. Choose one of the three data drive slots and supply the required materials. Head to a [Crafting Terminal] or [My Room Terminal] to get started. PSO 2 NA Crafting Guide: Recipes, getting started, and desynthesis. Force is one of nine playable classes in Phantasy Star Online 2. Units with no timed ability will continue having a normal blue background. Only available for Episodes 1-3. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise not only do they boost units they can give things like exp and rare drop rate increases, It seems like a lot of people are intimidated by timed abilities but its actually not that bad. If advertising multiple attack types, youll need to put your other rolls in the description. This window will update with a different main effect each day at 13:00 JST. Rare Drop Rate is usually the most in demand, and Status Negation is usually meant for people going for challenging content especially solo. Temporary Abilities are additional effects appended onto units for a limited time. . On top of this, the timed ability only works on a specific unit type. This gets rid of the base stats on the units, meaning the only units that are worth crafting on are ones with a good set bonus. Game sucks though why do I even play this garbage. Timed Abilities also have sub effects which boost your attack stats, and if you are lucky you can gain secondary bonus to the sub effect which boost your attack even more, or in some Timed Abilities you could also gain PP bonus (ex. Once you create the item, youll have this in your inventory. The higher your crafting level, the more bonuses you will recieve towards your crafts. Crafting offers a level of direct customization that Enhancements from the Item Lab do not provide. Meh. And generally speaking, no matter what the roll is, the first one you make is almost always just going to make the skill stronger but you can choose to come back later to try to get a better roll. Requesting them from others is a much more simple process that costs almost nothing at least! Update: The patch adding crafting did not implement this. Not that it should ever be actually relevant. The limits for the tradables are Gold materials, whereas the limits for the secondary materials are Promechits and Saphards. At the Crafting Terminal, you'll have access to up to 9 crafting lines. Note that you have 3 active data drives at one time one for rear, one for arm, and one for leg. So the biggest upside to timed abilities, YOU DON'T HAVE TO CRAFT AND UNLOCK THEMall you have to do is: Visiophone - > Crafting -> Crafter Search-> Search by Timed Abilities Installation, At the moment people don't seem to be charging for timed ability services just yet, but tips are always appreciated for the people who GRINDED the abilities for you.When people start releasing rare drop rate ultimate quests they might charge you before making them but for now just look around and see what can help you boost up leveling or drop rates, If this gets enough clout, I might make a small guide on how to unlock Planet crafts for ultimates (Lilipa and Naverius) for those who want to make it themselves (ps its a LOT of time/lilipariums and longer for f2p players), Edit: If you guys want to use my PQ I am on ship2 and my character is Lightning, Edit2: In case people don't believe that the boost doesn't work in ults here are some screens Circuray gives base +25 to stat. But for the most part, the general planet timed abilities and Arks Fleet are the only ones you need to care about when it comes to actually putting Timed Abilities on your units. And to prevent spamming crafters too much. When I last run the AQs for the ABR, I ended up with about 70 or so disks, 25 being over 10. Id highly recommend checking for Earth Crystals and selling them if you have them if you dont plan on using them yourself. The Support Item that can be used is called Timed Effect Extension +7 Days and it guarantees a great success by extending the duration to 14 days. (5/6/7/8/9). Timed Abilities work for that just fine. AKA: How to make something more complicated than Technique crafting, but thankfully isnt anywhere close to a necessity. However,. And this section was taking over 5 pages of the guide which doesnt need to be there. This is probably due to the generic planet timed abilities covering everything. Todays effect is Randomly Negating Physical Damage. Remember that these stats are completely replacing the base stats on your unit. No worries, you can click to use it and it will pop up a confirmation screen before it actually consumes the item asking if youre sure you want to, and comparing the before and after. Probable Main Ability: This is the Main Effect that is the most likely to happen when you make a Timed Ability, and this changes on a daily basis based on the NUMBER OF THE DAY. Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window). Dark Blast Guide. Ive taken the liberty to find what the translations are before we get them, but keep in mind these are datamined names and so could change when Episode 4 actually drops. I may make a guide for unlocking these later, but most of it comes down to Advanced Quest Timed Abilities being one of the most efficient ways to progress your achievements. Once you click on an open crafting slot, you will see a list of their characters that have crafting requests available. People generally want more damage, as well as either more Rare Drop Rate or Quality of Life. This is the same regardless of level. They are for crafting timed abilities; the special effects you can add to your units. This applies to all areas of Naverius, including Expeditions, Time Attacks, and most importantly, Ultimate Naverius. These work in specific areas only, but will provide additional bonus stats as well as effects such as a percentage chance to negate damage, small amounts of rare drop rate or experience bonus, negating freeze effects, and more. You have to, say, craft Intense Zanverse 1 5 times to unlock its achievement, giving you 1 Tech Crafting EXP, and the ability to craft Potent Zanverse 1. Let me know if you have questions or of I could be more clear. This section will be deleted if customs are not marketable. Most of the urgent quests (such as the Yamato trigger from the story) will take place here. Data Drives are saved into one of three slots corresponding to the unit's location on the body. CRAFTING The Crafting system allows you to customize, armor, Photon Blasts, and Techniques. Skipping lesser used techs, or techs which have their better version unlocked by default, allows you to save resources and get the best versions although youre sacrificing bonuses from crafting levels for it. In some cases, the higher level versions can even roll worse than a lower level version. So if you dont want to go through the hassle of rolling for high roll custom techniques, theres always the option of buying them. Itll even show you the changed roll ranges if you select the item (although this preview does not include your craft license bonuses), Here is an example using one of the highest boosts in JP available on the market, +60% (which probably wont be on NA anytime soon? This also removes the ability to market the unit until you use an ownership cancel pass, which will get rid of the Extend level on the unit. A 1* unit with Extend level 10 will have the exact same stats/requirements as an 11* unit with Extend level 10. This system provides users with new means of min-maxing gear and PAs, causing many to actually become usable and better with very few being arguably optional. This also allows people to make techniques more powerful through a rather grindy system. For those that arent interested in grinding the crafts and such themselves, crafting as a whole is still beneficial! My roll ended up being JUST short of a great success which is the top 75% of rolls (rounded up). Once again youre looking to grind to get things unlocked. Yes, this means people can have multiple characters with different crafting options available! For non type-0 crafts, the ranges of rolls are generally tighter in comparison to PA crafting, with 1 of the rolls often not mattering as much as the other one. How people make Rare drop bonus lv5 on arks fleet? In addition, on the 31st day of a month, any type of Status Null Main Effect can appear. Select a Crafting Line and a Data Drive to initiate the crafting process. Also available from Daily Crafts sometimes and various title rewards. Raise the stats of allied NPCs by?%/?%/15%/18%/20%. Oh god theres a lot of information to take in. It also applies to City Area Advanced Quests. That usually amounts to about 1,000 meseta. Also known as how to inflate the stats on your units to make them look better than they actually are. This means that Premium players will be able to do more crafts at a time without the usage of Lillipariums. Earth & Moon: Rare Drop Rate, Increased EXP Gain (Bonus Keys), Shock Nullification (Train Gidran, random zombies, and more to come), Panic Nullification (Laplace and more). Rarity 12 units can not use unit crafting at all. When this Timed Ability runs out, the name of the Timed Ability turns red, as does the background of the unit in your inventory. This is done in order to receive stackable crafting materials (which also fit in your material storage) for crafting and in the future may also be used as part of making higher rarity weapons. Timed Abilities are created by crafting a Data Drive that designates the Timed Ability to be created, then using the Data Drive to create the Timed Ability in the form of an item. With that said, very few units ever use this and almost no one in the playerbase will ever find an actual serious use for this. So Leg units give materials specific to legs, melee weapons give materials specific to melee, so on and so forth. This is a list of Timed Ability Crafts that most players would care for in my opinion in terms of EP4 content. Finally, having furnishing items in your room can both raise Great Success Rates and lower cooldown timers. Drop locations: Random Mining Base wave reward. Above average on both rolls, very usable. Example: A Craft EX Builder 3 will lower the cooldown of unit and weapon extensions by 6%. Making the actual Timed Ability once you have a Data Drive setup is insanely simple, and also doesnt have a long cooldown! Required fields are marked *. [status effect] Nullified: Prevents the status effect from happening. This page was last edited on 16 May 2020, at 17:07. Its also going to force you to look through the garbage that is the achievement screens organization for techniques in order to figure out what youre missing and need to craft for achievements. Each planet drops a corresponding Crystal via random enemy drops, although certain Crystals are sold through trade shops instead. It unfortunately will not help with buying them because sorting through the market can be completely obnoxious, which I will get into later. To top it all off, the costs of NT weapon crafts are disgusting. But your goal might differ from mine, so thats up to you to decide. These items can be found in quests or purchased from player shops. This also means you can not slot Left rings into your units, as ring slotting can only be done on Rarity 12 or higher units. A translated DB would be super, since Cirno committed sudoku. If you do not have a roll saved and you overwrite it you cannot get it back. Currently not being covered in this guide. Placing these furnishings in your Personal Quarters will deliver slight benefits to your crafts. TAKE NOTE TIMED ABILITIES DO EXPIRE AFTER 7 DAYS unless they craft for 14 days But you can always make more and reuse/override the timed abilities. This means they can get Star Gems if they are the highest visited room! This means they gain room visits for the Personal Quarters Visitor ranking rewards that get handed out per week. I also dont think you actually want this skill if it comes out in Episode 4 anyways. Select a crafting line and choose a recipe. These are likely to be shortened for example, Plamia is the Platinum material for Melee weapons. Required Materials: Depending on the level of the craft this will have different costs and materials needed. Weapons can be used as materials for weapons, and units can be used for units. All crafting is performed within the personal quarters. Please check if your system meets these requirements before launching the game. Outside of that, same deal as Naverius. Items that can be desynthesized are 7* or higher weapons, 7*-12* units, and level 11+ skill discs. However, most of these crafts become a part of your core kit on the respective class that you use it on, drastically changing the way the skill works. S-Class Abilities. Here's my example of a boosted ability: Normally this would be MEL +150 but in ANY Naverius quest i would get +195 instead this works for Ults, UQ, Explorations in Nav. Boost the effect of healing items by 6%/7%/8%/9%/10%. While running a service on JP, my advertisement looked something like this for Mining Base (as Mining Base VR Training had just gotten an Ultra Hard mode and could drop leg units with one of the most sought after abilities on it). Which should answer any of your questions regarding why does ARKS/AD/UL/Exploration/etc even exist? its just a relic of old game design that has been done away with when it comes to future content. **Any of the Planet AD timed abilities **ONLY AFFECT ADVANCED QUESTS!!! There is also a rule where only 1 status type removal roll can happen each day. I wont include this right now as if you want certain status removals youd probably just roll on the day where its likely anyways. Cirno uses a literal translation whilst Aida's team make English patches that better suit the auidence, less literal and easier to understand. First 2 numbers are chapter and second two are subsection. padding-top: 4px; They are not required to get a good roll, but will help by minimizing the ranges and increasing your average roll. (All) (Rear) (Arm) (Leg), S-ATK +10 ~ +20R-ATK +10 ~ +20T-ATK +10 ~ +20, Random Sub-EffectS-ATK +10 ~ +20R-ATK +10 ~ +20T-ATK +10 ~ +20. Note that the negation of status effects is the same regardless of level. Click here for PSO2 NEW GENESIS. WTF IS THIS? This page was last edited on 6 July 2021, at 03:03. The difference between a +120/-13 gizonde and a +120/-19 gizonde is basically nothing for most people. Costs 600 AC for 1, or 2700 AC for 5. Wow, that Photon Art Customization section sure was short and simple. Techniques are offensive magic-like abilities that are learned via discs in Phantasy Star Online 2. Example: Back Naverius will apply to Forest Expeditions, Running Maneuvers: Naverius I, Corruption Survey: Naverius, Ruins Advanced Quests, and more. Cooldowns of Crafting Lines can be lowered by having the relevant furnishing item that lowers the cooldown of a craft placed when you do said craft. And of course, techniques well its in the name. Timed Abilities have a default duration of 7 days. (?/?/15/18/20) This one is super unclear to me to translate and Ive never used it so I have no idea how this works. So lets check out what the data creation screen looks like. But that PP cost is REALLY bad. Ranged PAs will use PA Fragment (Ranged) which are gained from desynthesizing Ranged Skill Discs. Crystals corresponding to the recipe's planet. On top of this, the Force guide already covers a lot of what you need to know and what techs are something to aim for. Using a custom disc will overwrite the technique in question. Grant a chance to restore PP at the start of an Emergency Trial. In that same regard, a Great Success roll does not necessarily mean you will find the roll better for you. Main Effect: This will tell you what level the effect will be. The craft will still go through though. Due to there being a bit of confusion going around about what each Timed Ability supports in terms of areas, I wanted to clarify a few things for people. While most Timed Abilities are available right away, some must be unlocked by raising the Crafting Level high enough via unlocking Achievements. Feed it to a DEX Mag (this gives SUBSTANTIALLY higher exp than normal discs!). Unlocks the base version of the techs starting with na-, sa-, and the special version (such as Shifta) at level 2. Sub Effect & Bonus Effect: The bonus stats youll get in this area. Unfortunately due to area limitations and specific roll types, this gets insanely complicated. Available from crafting related titles and days where its hard to complete daily crafts. These cannot be guaranteed, but some Status Null Main Effects overlap with the Main Effect schedule. Wait, I thought we were making Timed Abilities, what the hell is a Data Drive. Every time the Quest is cleared at the highest reached Depth, the . After the craft is complete, an item like the one displayed above will appear in your inventory under the consumables tab. Can pretty much be ignored as well. It will include good effects for the timed abilities as well, which all include Rare Drop Rate for obvious reasons but for those that want to worry less about annoying status ailments such as Shock and Panic, those are included as well. (6/7/8/9/10). Low priority now as Beach Wars really doesnt have much of interest dropping from it that you cant just get elsewhere. will overwrite whatever was saved on that slot. It will ask us after this if we want to keep this roll or not, overwriting the currently active Data Drive. When playing the Quest for the first time, the Quest starts at Depth 1, which indicates the enemy level and difficulty. Phantasy Star Online 2 Questions Regarding Crafting - Timed Abilities dolemite 2 years ago #1 So I want to craft some timed abilities for our current Urgent Quests on PSO2 global. And such themselves, crafting as a whole is still beneficial top 75 % of (. Also available from Daily crafts sometimes and various title rewards Beach Wars really doesnt much... However, you 'll have access to up to 9 crafting lines up to 9 crafting lines crafted!: 4 excubes to remove works only in that same regard, a bonus Effect: this have. Supply the required materials: Depending on the level of the best quests for new! Drive 's effects and stats Mag ( this gives SUBSTANTIALLY higher EXP normal! Getting started, and also doesnt have much of interest dropping from it that you cant just elsewhere... 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pso2 timed ability crafting guide

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